Determination of the equilibrium fO2 in bulk samples of H, L, and LL ordinary chondrites by solid-state electrochemistry
Osadchii, V. O., Fedkin, M. V. and Osadchii, E. G.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12919
“High-temperature solid-state electrochemistry techniques (EMF method) were used to measure the oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the ordinary chondrites Ochansk (H4), Savtschenskoje (LL4), Elenovka (L5), Vengerovo (H5), and Kharkov (L6). The fO2 results are presented in the form of the following equations:
It was found that fO2 regularly increases from H chondrites to LL chondrites. Measured fO2 are ~1.5 higher than those previously calculated from mineral assemblages. Kharkov (L6) is a little more oxidized than Elenovka (L5) in agreement with the progressive oxidation model. At the same time, Ochansk (H4) is more oxidized than Vengerovo (H5) and exhibits a slightly different slope compared to other chondrites and at T > 1200 K, becomes more reduced than Kharkov (L6) or Elenovka (L5). Measured oxygen fugacity values of meteorites fall within (0.1–1.0)·log fO2 of one another. The possible explanation of discrepancies between measured and calculated values is discussed.”