Best practices for the use of meteorite names in publicationsOPEN ACCESS
Philipp R. Heck, Christopher Herd, Jeffrey N. Grossman, Dmitry Badjukov, Audrey Bouvier, Emma Bullock, Hasnaa Chennaoui‐Aoudjehane, Vinciane Debaille, Tasha L. Dunn, Denton S. Ebel, Ludovic Ferrière, Laurence Garvie, Jérôme Gattacceca, Matthieu Gounelle, Richard Herd, Trevor Ireland, Emmanuel Jacquet, Robert J. Macke, Tim McCoy, Francis M. McCubbin, Takashi Mikouchi, Knut Metzler, Mathieu Roskosz, Caroline Smith, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Linda Welzenbach‐Fries, Toru Yada, Akira Yamaguchi, Ryan A. Zeigler, Michael Zolensky
Meteoritics & Planetary Science
First Published: 21 April 2019
This document contains suggestions for best practices by authors who refer to meteorites in publications. It can also be taken as a guide for publishers in establishing guidelines for authors. The following best practices are recommended in addition to acknowledging the loaning institution or loaning individual (unless required otherwise). The main motivations are to: help ensure that research on meteorites is reproducible, prevent confusion in the literature, and enhance tracking of specimens and related data.”