A tale of two planets: Disparate evolutionary models for Mars inferred from radiogenic isotope compositions of Martian meteoritesOPEN ACCESS 

Lars E. Borg and Thomas S. Kruijer

PNAS, January 6, 2025, 122 (2) e2404257121


“The radiogenic isotopic compositions of basaltic Martian meteorites (shergottites) and clinopyroxene/olivine cumulate meteorites (nakhlite/chassignites) are used to define the global evolution of Mars. However, the two main groups of meteorites demonstrate that their sources underwent divergent styles of magmatic evolution. The shergottites portray a planet that differentiated ~4.52 billion years ago via solidification of a magma ocean, producing incompatible element-depleted and -enriched reservoirs that remained isolated until melt production. In contrast, the reservoir from which the nakhlite/chassignites derive may have formed earlier, produced melts that fractionated Sm/Nd and Hf/W differently, was compositionally less variable, and experienced a significantly more complex history following primordial differentiation than the shergottite sources. The disparate histories recorded by these two groups of meteorites elucidate important questions that could be addressed by acquiring additional samples. Obtaining samples that shared the isotopic systematics of the shergottites would provide confidence that extrapolating the primordial differentiation history of Mars from shergottite radiogenic isotope systematics is reasonable. Returned samples from Mars will also constrain the physical locations of the meteorite source regions, providing insights into the general structure of the Martian mantle. In addition, they will help constrain the phases present in the martian mantle during melting and the conditions under which they are stable. Finally, identifying an evolved lithology that satisfies the geochemical and isotopic constraints placed on the incompatible element-enriched endmember observed in the shergottites would define the nature of magmatic evolution on Mars and whether it is more akin to processes on the Earth or the Moon.”