Search for pre-accretionary irradiation effects in Calcium-Aluminum inclusions from the CV3 chondrite AllendeOPEN ACCESS
P. Ghaznavi, C. Burkhardt, F. L. H. Tissot, I. Leya
MAPS, Version of Record online: 07 January 2025
“Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) are the first objects that formed in the solar accretion disk and therefore provide valuable insights into the evolution of the early solar system. A long-standing question regarding this earliest formative period relates to the storage of CAIs in the 1–4 Myr time period between their formation and later accretion into chondrite parent bodies. Were the CAIs stored in a pre-existing parent body, or in distant parts of the solar accretion disk? In the latter scenario, CAIs might have been exposed to cosmic rays, either from the galaxy or from the Sun and such pre-accretion irradiation effects might be detectable. We searched for such pre-accretional irradiation effects in 7 fine- and 11 coarse-grained CAIs from the CV 3.6 carbonaceous chondrite Allende. The extracted samples were analyzed for their major chemical composition and all samples were analyzed using μCT techniques. Using physical model calculations, 21Necos and (22Ne/21Ne)cos production rate ratios were calculated for each CAI by fully considering their individual chemical composition. Measured He, Ne, Ar, and Kr isotope compositions of the CAIs show cosmogenic signals; clear signals for He and Ne isotopes; and detectable signals for some of the Ar and Kr isotopes. In addition, most samples show clear indications for radiogenic 4He and some samples show evidence for radiogenic 40Ar. Higher 36Ar/38Ar, 22Ne/21Ne, 80Kr/84Kr, and 82Kr/84Kr ratios together with lower cosmogenic 38Arcos concentrations in fine-grained CAIs compared to coarse-grained CAIs are consistent with more alteration of the former compared to the latter. The CRE ages for the CAIs range between 4.12 ± 0.41 Myr and 6.40 ± 0.63 Myr. Statistical tests indicate that the data are normally distributed with no outliers, indicating that all CAIs share a common irradiation history, likely the irradiation in the Allende meteoroid. The average CRE age of 4.87 ± 0.19 Myr agrees with the nominally accepted CRE age of Allende of ~5.2 Myr. There is no correlation between 21Necos concentrations and indicators of aqueous alteration like Na and/or U concentrations. The lack of correlation together with the finding of normally distributed modeled CRE ages indicates that either none of the studied CAIs experienced a pre-accretion irradiation before parent body compaction and/or that any pre-accretion irradiation effects have been completely erased during aqueous alteration events. Taking alteration aside, the findings are not in favor of X-wind type models but are more consistent with the idea of CAI outward transport in an expanding disk.”