Implications of Differentiated Late Accretion for the Volatile Inventory of the Bulk Silicate EarthOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal and Varun Manilal The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 6, Number 1 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Earth is believed to have acquired its highly siderophile element (HSE) inventory through the late accretion…
Identification of Earth’s late accretion by large impactors through mass independent Cr isotopes
Yogita Kadlag, Aryavart Anand, Mario Fischer-Gödde, Klaus Mezger , Kristoffer Szilas , Steven Goderis, Ingo Leya IcarusAvailable online 31 May 2024, 116143 LINK “Highlights “The late addition of extra-terrestrial material may represent an important source…
Ruthenium isotope vestige of Earth’s pre-late-veneer mantle preserved in Archaean rocks
Mario Fischer-Gödde, Bo-Magnus Elfers, Carsten Münker, Kristoffer Szilas, Wolfgang D. Maier, Nils Messling, Tomoaki Morishita, Martin Van Kranendonk & Hugh Smithies Nature, Volume 579, pages 240–244 (2020) Published: 11 March 2020 LINK “The accretion of…
A compositionally heterogeneous martian mantle due to late accretionOPEN ACCESS
Simone Marchi, Richard J. Walker and Robin M. Canup Science Advances 12 Feb 2020: Vol. 6, no. 7, eaay2338 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay2338 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The approximately chondritic estimated relative abundances of highly…
An experimental assessment of the potential of sulfide saturation of the source regions of eucrites and angrites: implications for asteroidal models of core formation, late accretion and volatile element depletions
E.S. Steenstra, J. Berndt, S. Klemme, A. Rohrbach, E.S.Bullock, W. van Westrenen Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 15 October 2019 LINK “The geochemistry of asteroidal magmas provides fundamental clues to…
Nature of late accretion to Earth inferred from mass-dependent Ru isotopic compositions of chondrites and mantle peridotitesOPEN ACCESS
Timo Hopp, Thorsten Kleine Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Volume 494,15 July 2018,Pages 50-59 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Uniform mass-dependent Ru isotopic compositions of chondrites. • Chondritic mass-dependent Ru isotopic composition of Earth’s mantle. •…
The late accretion and erosion of Vesta’s crust recorded by eucrites and diogenites as an astrochemical window into the formation of Jupiter and the early evolution of the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
D. Turrini, V. Svetsov, G. Consolmagno, S. Sirono, M. Jutzi Icarus In Press, Available online 4 April 2018 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • The eucrites and diogenites are differentiated meteorites whose genetic link with…
Highly siderophile element depletion in the Moon
James M.D. Day, Richard J. Walker Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 423, 1 August 2015, Pages 114–124 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.05.001 LINK
Late Accretion and the Late Veneer
Alessandro Morbidelli, Bernard Wood In press as a review chapter of the AGU Monograph “The Early Earth”, J. Badro and M. Walter Eds ; arXiv:1411.4563 PDF LINK LINK