Radon on Mars and the Moon derived from Martian and lunar meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Frédéric Girault, Ludovic Ferrière, Carine Sadaka, Íñigo de Loyola Chacartegui Rojo, Rémi Losno, Frédéric Moynier, Frédéric Perrier & Pierre-Yves Meslin Scientific Reports, Volume 15, Article number: 3517 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The radioactive gas…
Complex zoning in the nakhlite and chassignite martian meteorites reveals multi-stage petrogenesis and undercooling during crystallization
Amanda Ostwald, Arya Udry, Juliane Gross, James M.D. Day, Sammy Griffin Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 June 2024 LINK “Nakhlites (clinopyroxene-rich cumulates) and chassignites (dunites) are two types of meteorites…
Nanostructural domains in martian apatites that record primary subsolidus exsolution of halogens: Insights into nakhlite petrogenesis
Marina Martínez, Charles K. Shearer, Adrian J. Brearley American MineralogistVolume 108, Number 11 LINK “The microstructures of selected F-, Cl-, and OH-bearing martian apatite grains, two in Northwest Africa (NWA) 998 (cumulus apatites, embedded in…
Sulfur and chlorine in nakhlite clinopyroxenes: Source region concentrations and magmatic evolution
Don R. Baker, Sara Callegaro, Andrea Marzoli, Angelo De Min, Kalotina Geraki, Martin J. Whitehouse, Agata M. Krzesinska, Anna Maria Fioretti Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 9 August 2023 LINK “The…
An inner solar system origin of volatile elements in MarsOPEN ACCESS
Thorsten Kleine, Theodor Steller, Christoph Burkhardt, Francis Nimmo IcarusAvailable online 12 March 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of volatile elements in Mars and whether these elements derive from the inner or…
Origin of nitrogen on Mars: First in situ N isotope analyses of martian meteorites
C. Deligny, E. Füri, E. Deloule, A.H. Peslier, F. Faure, Y. Marrocchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 23 January 2023 LINK “Martian meteorites are key for assessing the isotopic characteristics of nitrogen in different martian…
Nanostructural domains in martian apatites that record primary subsolidus exsolution of halogens: Insights into nakhlite petrogenesisOPEN ACCESS
Marina Martínez, Charles K. Shearer, and Adrian J. Brearley American Mineralogist, peer-reviewed, final accepted preprint PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The microstructures of selected F-, Cl-, OH-bearing martian apatite grains, two in Northwest Africa (NWA) 998 (cumulus…
Sulfur in apatite from the Nakhla meteorite record a late-stage oxidation eventOPEN ACCESS
Maryjo Brounce, Jeremy W. Boyce, Francis M. McCubbin Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 595, 1 October 2022, 117784 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Martian apatite contain varying proportions of S2− and S6+.• Sulfur-in-apatite in Nakhla…
Terrestrial planet formation from lost inner solar system materialOPEN ACCESS
Christoph Burkhardt, Fridolin Spitzer, Alessandro Morbidelli, Gerrit Budde, Jan H. Render, Thomas S. Kruijer and Thorsten Kleine Science Advances, 22 Dec 2021, Vol 7, Issue 52 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Two fundamentally different processes…
Indigenous Carbon-rich Matter Associated with Unusual Aqueous Alteration Features in Nakhla: Complex Formation and Preservation HistoryOPEN ACCESS
Kathie L. Thomas-Keprta, Simon J. Clemett, Everett K.Gibson, Zia Rahman, Neha Baskar, Susan J. Wentworth, Nathaniel T. Keprta, David S. McKay Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 14 December 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “While indigenous organic…
New temperature and oxygen fugacity data of Martian nakhlite from Northwest Africa (NWA) 5790 and implications for shallow sulphur degassingOPEN ACCESS
Zilong Wang, Wei Tian & Yankun Di Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 73, Article number: 164 (2021)Published: 17 August 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Newly analysed titanomagnetite–ilmenite (Tim–Ilm) intergrowths from Martian nakhlite meteorite Northwest…
The vanadium isotope composition of Mars: implications for planetary differentiation in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
S.G. Nielsen, D.V. Bekaert, T. Magna, K. Mezger, M. Auro Geochem. Persp. Let. (2020) 15, 35–39 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The V isotope composition of martian meteorites reveals that Bulk Silicate Mars (BSM) is…
Tardi-magmatic precipitation of Martian Fe/Mg-rich clay minerals via igneous differentiationOPEN ACCESS
J.-C. Viennet, S. Bernard, C. Le Guillou, V. Sautter, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, O. Beyssac, S. Pont, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, L. Remusat Geochemical Perspectives Letters 14, 47–52 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Mars is seen as…
Caleta el Cobre 022 Martian meteorite: Increasing nakhlite diversityOPEN ACCESS
L. Krämer Ruggiu, J. Gattacceca, B. Devouard, A. Udry, V. Debaille, P. Rochette, J.‐P. Lorand, L. Bonal, P. Beck, V. Sautter, H. Busemann,M. M. M. Meier, C. Maden, G. Hublet, R. Martinez Meteoritics & Planetary…
Radionuclides in Chassigny and Nakhla meteorites of Mars origin: Implications for their pre-atmospheric sizes and cosmic-ray exposure ages
P.P. Povinec, I. Sýkora, R.J. Macke, J. Tóth, L. Kornoš, V. Porubčan Planetary and Space Science In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 26 March 2020 LINK “Highlights • Two Martian meteorites, Chassigny and Nakhla, were…
Understanding the emplacement of Martian volcanic rocks using petrofabrics of the nakhlite meteorites
Luke Daly, Sandra Piazolo, Martin R. Lee, Sammy Griffin, Peter Chung, Fabrizio Campanale, Benjamin E. Cohen, Lydia J. Hallis, Patrick W. Trimby, Raphael Baumgartner, Lucy V. Forman, Gretchen K. Benedix Earth and Planetary Science Letters…
Syneruptive incorporation of martian surface sulphur in the nakhlite lava flows revealed by S and Os isotopes and highly siderophile elements: implication for mantle sources in MarsOPEN ACCESS
N. Mari, A.J.V. Riches, L.J. Hallis, Y. Marrocchi, J. Villeneuve, P. Gleissner, H. Becker, M.R. Lee Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 24 May 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
Determination of the water content and D/H ratio of the martian mantle by unraveling degassing and crystallization effects in nakhlites
A.H. Peslier, R. Hervig, S. Yang, M. Humayun, J.J. Barnes, A.J. Irving Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 2 May 2019 LINK “Knowing the distribution and origin of water in terrestrial planets…
Indigenous Organic‐Oxidized Fluid Interactions in the Tissint Mars MeteoriteOPEN ACCESS
Elizabeth A. Jaramillo, Samuel H. Royle, Mark W. Claire, Samuel P. Kounaves, Mark A. Sephton Geographical Research Letters, 46 First published: 07 March 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The observed fall and rapid…
Pb evolution in the Martian mantle
J.J. Bellucci, A.A. Nemchin, M.J. Whitehouse, J.F. Snape, P. Bland, G.K. Benedix, J. Roszjarc Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 485, 1 March 2018, Pages 79–87 LINK “Highlights • A model for the evolution of…
Taking the pulse of Mars via dating of a plume-fed volcanoOPEN ACCESS
Benjamin E. Cohen, Darren F. Mark, William S. Cassata, Martin R. Lee, Tim Tomkinson & Caroline L. Smith Nature Communications 8, Article number: 640 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00513-8 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Mars hosts the…
Water content in the Martian mantle: a Nakhla perspective
Franz A. Weis, Jeremy J. Bellucci, Henrik Skogby, Roland Stalder, Alexander A. Nemchin, Martin J. Whitehouse Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 1 June 2017 LINK “Water contents of the Martian…
Replacement of glass in the Nakhla meteorite by berthierine: Implications for understanding the origins of aluminum-rich phyllosilicates on Mars.OPEN ACCESS
Lee, M. R. and Chatzitheodoridis, E. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12687 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “A scanning and transmission electron microscope study of aluminosilicate glasses within melt inclusions from the Martian meteorite Nakhla shows…
Opal-A in the Nakhla meteorite: A tracer of ephemeral liquid water in the Amazonian crust of Mars
Lee, M. R., MacLaren, I., Andersson, S. M. L., Kovács, A., Tomkinson, T., Mark, D. F. and Smith, C. L. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12471 LINK
Evidence for methane in Martian meteorites
Nigel J. F. Blamey, John Parnell, Sean McMahon, Darren F. Mark, Tim Tomkinson, Martin Lee, Jared Shivak, Matthew R. M. Izawa, Neil R. Banerjee, Roberta L. Flemming, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 7399 doi:10.1038/ncomms8399 Published…
Candidates source regions of Martian Meteorites as identified by OMEGA/MEx
A. Ody, F. Poulet, C. Quantin, J.-P. Bibring, J.L. Bishop, M.D. Dyar Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 25 May 2015 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.05.019 LINK
Ferric saponite and serpentine in the nakhlite martian meteorites
Hicks LJ, Bridges JC and Gurman SJ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 136, 1 July 2014, Pages 194–210 LINK (open access)
K2O-rich trapped melt in olivine in the Nakhla meteorite: Implications for petrogenesis of nakhlites and evolution of the Martian mantle
Goodrich, C. A., Treiman, A. H., Filiberto, J., Gross, J. and Jercinovic, M. (2013) Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48: 2371–2405. doi: 10.1111/maps.12226s.12217 LINK