Iranian-Russian meteorite search expedition in Dasht-e Loot (Loot Desert) has ended. Kilograms of suspected meteorites have been found.

Last update: 30 June 2018

An Iranian-Russian meteorite search expedition in the Dasht-e Loot (Loot Desert), starting on 1 January 2017 ended with the arrival of the Russian team members (Mikhail Larionov, Nikolay Kruglikov, Aleksandr Pastukhovich and Dmitry Zamyatin) in Yekaterinburg on 11 January.
According to a press release of UrFU University on 12 January about 12 kilograms of suspected meteorites have been found. The suspected meteorites are being analysed at the Iranian Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان) and Ural Federal University (UrFU) in Yekaterinburg, Russia. The largest specimen, Gandom Beryan 008 (H5), weighing 11 kg, was found at location 31°53’15.24″N, 57° 2’28.08″E in the morning of January 5 by Aleksandr Pastukhovich. UrFU’s share of the found specimens weighs about six kilograms. The biggest complete specimen weighs 2,066 kilograms and was found on 4 January by A. Pastukhovich. A 217.92-g-specimen was found on 4 January as well. Another 59.32-g-specimen was found on 9 January. The analysis started on 12 January. UrFU university contributed about 666,000 rubles (US$ 11,200) to the expedition. Researchers at UrFU hope that there will be further expeditions in the Iranian desert in the future. Three of the finds were officially approved as Gandom Beryan 009 (217.92 g, H5, S2, W3-4), Gandom Beryan 008 (11,000 g, H5, S2, W3-4) and Kerman 203 (59,32 g, H5, S2, W3-4) on December 11 and 18, 2017.

A.Yu. Pastukhovich, V. V. Sharygin, G.A.Yakovlev, R.N. Kolunin, V.I. Grokhovsky
81st Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2018 [#6136] abstract

Video:Ямал Регион

Video: Ruptly, 18 February 2017

Text in English (12 January 2017)
LINK (13 January 2017)

Gandom Beryan 008 (H5) in situ. It’s the largest specimen found during the expedition.

Cracked and weathered specimen next to the chunky 2066-gram specimen which shows the effect of corrasion on its surface caused by wind-borne sand grains. Photo: ЕТВ

15 found specimens presented to the press. Photo: ЕТВ

Aleksandr Pastukhovich inspecting the 2-kg specimen.

Alexander Pastuhovich at the find location of a larger specimen, possibly Gandom Beryan 008

Eight of the eleven smaller specimens presented to the press. Photo: Alina Sheshenya

Specimen with deep weathering cracks filled with desert sand. Photo: Alina Sheshenya

Another smaller specimen showing weathering cracks filled with desert sand (close-up). Photo: ТАСС

Weathered specimen in situ

Photo: Farhang Khatami

Photo: Farhang Khatami