Ab initio strewn field for small asteroids impactsOPEN ACCESS
Albino Carbognani, Marco Fenucci, Raffaele Salerno, Marco Micheli IcarusAvailable online 21 October 2024, 116345 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights “In recent years, nine small near-Earth asteroids were discovered a few hours before the collision with…
Enstatite meteorite clasts in Almahata Sitta and other polymict ureilites: Implications for the formation of asteroid 2008 TC3 and the history of enstatite meteorite parent asteroids
Cyrena Anne Goodrich, Hilary Downes, Richard Greenwood, Aidan J. Ross, Anna Maria Fioretti, Louise Alexander, Noriko T. Kita, Jon Butler, Michael J. Jercinovic, Peter Jenniskens, Muawia H. Shaddad MAPSVersion of Record online: 04 September 2023…
Bolide fragmentation: What parts of asteroid 2008 TC3 survived to the ground?OPEN ACCESS
Peter Jenniskens, Darrel Robertson, Cyrena A. Goodrich, Muawia H. Shaddad, Ayman Kudoda, Anna M. Fioretti, Michael E. Zolensky MAPSVersion of Record online: 04 August 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Asteroid 2008 TC3 impacted the…
Asteroid 2008 TC3, not a polymict ureilitic but a polymict C1 chondrite parent body? Survey of 249 Almahata Sitta fragmentsOPEN ACCESS
Addi Bischoff, Lukas Bannemann, Stephan Decker, Samuel Ebert, Siegfried Haberer, Ursula Heitmann, Marian Horstmann, Kerstin I. Klemm, Ann-Kathrin Kraemer, Sarah Lentfort, Markus Patzek, Jakob Storz, Mona Weyrauch MAPSVersion of Record online: 14 May 2022 LINK…
Fragmentation model and strewn field estimation for meteoroids entryOPEN ACCESS
S. Limonta, M. Trisolini, S. Frey, C. Colombo IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 May 2021 LINK Update (1 June 2021): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Novel probabilistic model of asteroid breakup based on…
Almahata Sitta is No More Exotic Than any Other Polymict Ureilite
Goodrich C. A., Bottke W. F., Walsh K. J., Daly R. T. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1331 PDF “Almahata Sitta (asteroid 2008 TC3) and typical polymict ureilites most likely formed in…
Exogenic basalt on asteroid (101955) Bennu
D. N. Della Giustina, H. H. Kaplan, A. A. Simon, W. F. Bottke, C. Avdellidou, M. Delbo, R.-L. Ballouz, D. R. Golish, K. J. Walsh, M. Popescu, H. Campins, M. A. Barucci, G. Poggiali, R….
The orbital clusters among the near Earth asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Tadeusz J. Jopek PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Fifteen orbital clusters (associations) were identified among∼20000near-Earth asteroids(NEAs). All associations were found with a high statisticalreliability using a single link-age cluster analysis algorithm and three orbital similarity functions. The…
The first samples from Almahata Sitta showing contacts between ureilitic and chondritic lithologies: Implications for the structure and composition of asteroid 2008 TC3
Cyrena Anne Goodrich, Michael E. Zolensky, Anna Maria Fioretti, Muawia H. Shaddad, Hilary Downes, Takahiro Hiroi, Issaku Kohl, Edward D. Young, Noriko T. Kita, Victoria E. Hamilton, My E. I. Riebe, Henner Busemann, Robert J….
The Impact Effect Calculator of Celestial Body Impacts to the Earth: The Constructor of Hazardous Orbits
S. A. Naroenkov, D. O. Glazachev, A. P. Kartashova, O. P. Popova I. S. Turuntaev Solar System Research November 2018, Volume 52, Issue 6, pp 534–546 LINK Original Russian Text © S.A. Naroenkov, D.O. Glazachev,…
24 MOTOPI PAN meteorites (214.5375 g, Howardite, HED polymict breccia) of Botswana bolide of 2018 LA (2 June 2018,16:44:01.59-11.77 UT) found near Motopi Pan watering hole, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Ghanzi, Botswana
Last update: 2 May 2021 Motopi Pan meteorite #1 (17.92 grams) in situ. Photo: Peter Jenniskens/Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) In the morning of 23 June, after five days of searching and…
A large planetary body inferred from diamond inclusions in a ureilite meteoriteOPEN ACCESS
Farhang Nabiei, James Badro, Teresa Dennenwaldt, Emad Oveisi, Marco Cantoni, Cécile Hébert, Ahmed El Goresy, Jean-Alix Barrat & Philippe Gillet Nature Communications, Volume 9, Article number: 1327 (2018) doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03808-6 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS)…
The impact trajectory of asteroid 2008 TC3
Davide Farnocchia, Peter Jenniskens, Darrel K. Robertson, Steven R. Chesley, Linda Dimare, Paul W. Chodas Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 14 March 2017 LINK “Highlights • 2008 TC3 was the first ever predicted…
Asteroid 2008 TC3 Breakup and Meteorite Fractions
Goodrich, C.; Jenniskens, P.; Shaddad, M. H.; Zolensky; M. E.; Fioretti, A. M. JSC-CN-38419, Conference Paper Asteroid Comets and Meteors Conference (ACM 2017); 10-14 Apr. 2017; Montevideo; Uruguay abstract “The recovery of meteorites from the…
Thermophysical properties of Almahata Sitta meteorites (asteroid 2008 TC3) for high-fidelity entry modeling
Stefan Loehle, Peter Jenniskens, Hannah Böhrk, Thomas Bauer, Henning Elsäβer, Derek W. Sears, Michael E. Zolensky and Muawia H. Shaddad Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12788 Version of Record online: 6 NOV 2016 LINK “Asteroid…
Homing in for New Year: impact parameters and pre-impact orbital evolution of meteoroid 2014 AA
C. de la Fuente Marcos, R. de la Fuente Marcos, P. Mialle accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science Submitted on 4 Oct 2016 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) abstract “On 2008 October 7, small asteroid…
Are some meteoroids rubble piles?
Jiří Borovička Paper presented at the IAU Symposium 318 Asteroids: New Observations, New Models (Honolulu, USA, August 3-7, 2015). Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union arXiv:1510.07869 PDF (full text) abstract…
Systematic ranging and late warning asteroid impacts
D. Farnocchia, S. R. Chesley, M. Micheli arXiv:1504.00025 PDF (full text) LINK
Origin and history of ureilitic material in the solar system: The view from asteroid 2008 TC3 and the Almahata Sitta meteorite
Goodrich, C. A., Hartmann, W. K., O’Brien, D. P., Weidenschilling, S. J., Wilson, L., Michel, P. and Jutzi, M. (2014) Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12401 LINK
The Almahata Sitta polymict breccia and the late accretion of asteroid 2008 TC3
Horstmann M and Bischoff A (in press) Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry Volume 74, Issue 2, June 2014, Pages 149–183 LINK
Asteroid 2008 TC3 and the Fall of Almahata Sitta, a Unique Meteorite Breccia
Goodrich C, Bischoff A and O’Brien DP (2014) Elements doi: 10.2113/gselements.10.1.31 v. 10 no. 1 p. 31-37 LINK