Complex irradiation history of chondrules and matrix – A study of CR2 and some other meteorites
Uta Beyersdorf-Kuis, Ulrich Ott, Mario Trieloff Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 14 September 2024 LINK “Excesses of cosmic-ray produced nuclei in individual components of meteorites indicate “pre-irradiation”, either in the surface region of their parent…
In situ oxygen, magnesium, and silicon isotopic compositions of the FUN inclusion Vigarano 1623-5OPEN ACCESS
Johanna Marin-Carbonne, Kevin D. McKeegan, Andrew M. Davis, Glenn J. MacPherson, Ruslan A. Mendybaev, Frank M. Richter MAPSVersion of Record online: 27 March 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Oxygen, magnesium, and silicon isotopic abundances…
Evidence for impact shock and regolith transportation on CM, CI, and CV chondrite parent asteroids
Michael Zolensky, Takashi Mikouchi, Kenji Hagiya, Kazumasa Ohsumi, Mutsumi Komatsu, Andrew Cheng, Loan Le MAPSVersion of Record online: 22 September 2022 LINK “We explore impact shock processing of the regolith of parent asteroids of carbonaceous…
The Formation of Type B CAIs: Evolution from Type A CAIs
G.J. MacPherson, A.N. Krot, N.T. Kita, E.S. Bullock, K. Nagashima, T. Ushikubo, M.A.Ivanova Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 7 January 2022 LINK “Five Type A CAIs from three CV3 chondrites (Vigarano, Northwest Africa 3118, Allende),…
Primordial porous structure of chondrite parent bodies due to self-gravityOPEN ACCESS
Tomomi Omura, Akiko M. Nakamura Accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The porosity of an asteroid is important when studying the evolution of our solar system through small bodies and…
Al‐Mg isotopic study of spinel‐rich fine‐grained CAIs
Glenn J. MacPherson, Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceFirst published: 23 December 2020 LINK “High‐precision SIMS analyses of seven spinel‐rich fine‐grained CAIs from the CV3 chondrites Efremovka, Kaba, and Vigarano and the…
Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of carbonaceous chondrites and Calcium–Aluminum-rich inclusions
Andreas Morlok, Benjamin Schiller, Iris Weber, Mohit Melwani Daswani, Aleksandra N. Stojic, Maximilian P. Reitze, Tim Gramse, Stephen D. Wolters, Harald Hiesinger, Monica M.Grady, Joern Helbert Planetary and Space ScienceIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online…
Variations in initial 26Al/27Al ratios among fine-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions from reduced CV chondrites
Noriyuki Kawasaki, Sohei Wada, Changkun Park, Naoya Sakamoto, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 April 2020 LINK “Fine-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions (FGIs) in CV chondrites are suggested to be…
A Coordinated Microstructural and Isotopic Study of a Wark-Lovering Rim on a Vigarano CAI
Jangmi Han, Lindsay P. Keller, Ming-Chang Liu, Andrew W. Needham, Andreas T. Hertwig, Scott Messenger, Justin I. Simon Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 7 November 2019 LINK “We carried out…
A unifying model for the accretion of chondrules and matrixOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah M. M. E. van Kooten, Frédéric Moynier, Arnaud Agranier PNAS first published September 4, 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supporting Information (PDF) “The so far unique role of our Solar System in…
A morphologic and crystallographic comparison of CV chondrite matrices
L. V. Forman, N. E. Timms, P. A. Bland, L. Daly, G. K. Benedix, P. W. Trimby Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 29 August 2019 LINK “Meteoritic matrices are commonly classified by their modal…
Earth’s volatile element depletion pattern inherited from a carbonaceous chondrite-like source
Ninja Braukmüller, Frank Wombacher, Claudia Funk & Carsten Münker Nature Geoscience, 1–5 LINK Supplementary information (PDF) “Earth’s volatile element abundances (for example, sulfur, zinc, indium and lead) provide constraints on fundamental processes, such as planetary…
3-micron Reflectance Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Chondrites under Asteroid-like ConditionsOPEN ACCESS
Driss Takir, Karen R. Stockstill-Cahill, Charles A. Hibbitts, Yusuke Nakauchi PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “We measured 3-μm reflectance spectraof 21 meteorites that represent all carbonaceous chondrite types available in terrestrial meteorite collections. The measurements were conducted…
Origin of the metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 carbonaceous chondrite breccias of Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts Massif 04143, and Yamato‐86009
Kaori Jogo, Motoo Ito, Shigeru Wakita, Sachio Kobayashi, Jong Ik Lee Meteoritics & Planetary Science First Published: 12 March 2019 LINK “We observed metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 chondrite breccias Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts…
Chronology of formation of early solar system solids from bulk Mg isotope analyses of CV3 chondrules
Hsin-Wei Chen, Jennifer L. Claydon, Tim Elliott, Christopher D. Coath, Yi-Jen Lai, Sara S. Russell Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 February 2018 LINK “We have analysed the petrography, major…
Reduced and unstratified crust in CV chondrite parent bodyOPEN ACCESS
Clément Ganino & Guy Libourel Nature Communications 8, Article number: 261 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00293-1 Published online: 15 August 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Early Solar System planetesimal thermal models predict the heating of the…
Long-lived magnetism on chondrite parent bodiesOPEN ACCESS
Jay Shah, Helena C. Bates, Adrian R. Muxworthy, Dominik C. Hezel, Sara S. Russell, Matthew J. Genge Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 475, 1 October 2017, Pages 106–118 10. August 2017 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)…
Chondrule-Cored Aggregates in CV Chondrites: Origin by Chondrule Formation Followed by Olivine Condensation
Fagan T. J. Yasuda T. Nagashima K. Krot A. N. 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 [#6202] abstract “Chondrule-cored aggregates (ChCAs) are a new component of CV chondrites, in which early-stage pyroxene crystallized…
Ma, C., Yoshizaki, T., Nakamura, T. and Muto, J. IMA 2016-110. CNMNC Newsletter No. 36, April 2017, page 408; Mineralogical Magazine, 81, 403–409. PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “IMA No. 2016-110 Rubinite Ca3Ti23+Si3O12 Vigarano meteorite, fell near…
High Precision Al-Mg Systematics of Forsterite-Bearing Type B CAIs from CV3 Chondrites
G.J. MacPherson, E.S. Bullock, T.J. Tenner, D. Nakashima, N.T. Kita, M.A. Ivanova, A.N. Krot, M.I. Petaev, S.B. Jacobsen Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2016 LINK “In order to…
The initial 41Ca/40Ca ratios in two Type A Ca-Al-rich Inclusions: Implications for the origin of short-lived 41Ca
Ming-Chang Liu Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 26 October 2016 LINK “This paper reports new 41Ca-41K isotopic data for two Type A CAIs, NWA 3118 #1Nb (Compact Type A) and…
53Mn-53Cr Chronology of Ca-Fe Silicates in CV3 Chondrites
Glenn J. MacPherson, Kazuhide Nagashima, Alexander N. Krot, Patricia M. Doyle, Marina A. Ivanova Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 1 October 2016 LINK This study is dedicated to our late…
Magnesium and 54Cr isotope compositions of carbonaceous chondrite chondrules – insights into early disk processesOPEN ACCESS
Mia B. Olsen, Daniel Wielandt, Martin Schiller, Elishevah M.M.E. Van Kooten, Martin Bizzarro Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 July 2016 LINK “We report on the petrology, magnesium isotopes and…
Early scattering of the solar protoplanetary disk recorded in meteoritic chondrulesOPEN ACCESS
By Yves Marrocchi, Marc Chaussidon, Laurette Piani, Guy Libourel Science Advances 01 Jul 2016: Vol. 2, no. 7, e1601001 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601001 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Materials (PDF) “Meteoritic chondrules are submillimeter spherules representing the major…
Chronological study of oxygen isotope composition for the solar protoplanetary disk recorded in a fluffy Type A CAI from Vigarano
Noriyuki Kawasaki, Shoichi Itoh, Naoya Sakamoto, Hisayoshi Yurimoto Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 28 January 2016 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.12.031 LINK “Fluffy Type A Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) containing reversely zoned melilite crystals are…
Formation timescales of CV chondrites from component specific Hf–W systematics
Maike Becker, Dominik C. Hezel, Toni Schulz, Bo-Magnus Elfers, Carsten Münker Earth and Planetary Science Letters In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 October 2015 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.09.049 LINK “Carbonaceous chondrites are an important meteorite group that…
Aluminium-26 Systematics of CV3 Chondrules: Evidence for a Multi-Stage Thermal History
Russell S, Claydon J, Coath C, Lai Y-J & Elliott T Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, 16-21 August 2015 PDF (abstract)
Fossil records of high level of 60Fe in chondrules from unequilibrated chondrites
Mishra R.K. and Chaussidon M. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 398, 15 July 2014, Pages 90–100 LINK
Quantified, whole section trace element mapping of carbonaceous chondrites by Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy: 1. CV meteorites
Dyl KA, Cleverley JS, Bland PA, Ryan CG, Fisher LA and Hough RM (in press) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 134, 1 June 2014, Pages 100–119 LINK
Chondrule trace element geochemistry at the mineral scale Emmanuel Jacquet, Olivier Alard, Matthieu Gounelle
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, volume 47, issue 11, 1695-1714, November 2012 arXiv:1502.01847 PDF (full text) LINK