Constraining the history of water and climate on Mars through light element stable isotope analysis of volatiles in returned martian samplesOPEN ACCESS
Monica M. Grady PNAS, January 6, 2025, 122 (2) e2404260121 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Much has been learned about Mars through data returned from space missions and analyses of martian meteorites. There are, however,…
Condensation and the Volatility Trend of the EarthOPEN ACCESS
Katharina Lodders, Bruce Fegley, Klaus Mezger, Denton Ebel Preprint submitted to Space Science Reviews, October 2024 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “This article describes condensation of the elements and use of condensation temperatures (Tcond) to interpret the…
The formation of volatile-bearing djerfisherite in reduced meteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Zoë E. Wilbur, Timothy J. McCoy, Catherine M. Corrigan, Jessica J. Barnes, Sierra V. Brown, Arya Udry MAPS, Version of Record online: 03 June 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Enstatite meteorites, both aubrites and…
Evaporation of moderately volatile elements from metal and sulfide melts: Implications for volatile element abundances in magmatic iron meteorites
E.S. Steenstra, C.J. Renggli, J. Berndt, S. Klemme Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 622, 15 November 2023, 118406 LINK “Volatile element abundances in magmatic iron meteorites provide fundamental insights into the processing of volatile elements…
I/Pu reveals Earth mainly accreted from volatile-poor differentiated planetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Weiyi Liu, Yigang Zhang, François. L. H. Tissot, Guillaume Avice, Zhilin Ye, and Qing-Zhu Yin Science Advances5 Jul 2023Vol 9, Issue 27 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The observation that mid-ocean ridge basalts had ~3×…
Distributions of CHN compounds in meteorites record organic syntheses in the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Yoshihiro Furukawa, Daisuke Saigusa, Kuniyuki Kano, Akira Uruno, Ritsumi Saito, Motoo Ito, Megumi Matsumoto, Junken Aoki, Masayuki Yamamoto & Tomoki Nakamura Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Article number: 6683Published: 24 April 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN…
Origin and abundances of volatiles on Mars from the zinc isotopic composition of Martian meteorites
M. Paquet, Paolo A. Sossi, Frédéric Moynier Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 611, 1 June 2023, 118126, Version of Record: 14 April 2023 LINK “Volatile elements are key to understanding the accretion and differentiation processes…
Degassing of early-formed planetesimals restricted water delivery to Earth
M. E. Newcombe, S. G. Nielsen, L. D. Peterson, J. Wang, C. M. O’D. Alexander, A. R. Sarafian, K. Shimizu, L. R. Nittler & A. J. Irving NaturePublished: 15 March 2023 LINK “The timing of…
An inner solar system origin of volatile elements in MarsOPEN ACCESS
Thorsten Kleine, Theodor Steller, Christoph Burkhardt, Francis Nimmo IcarusAvailable online 12 March 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of volatile elements in Mars and whether these elements derive from the inner or…
History of Hydrogen in the Early Inner Solar System as Recorded in Angrite Meteorites
Rider-Stokes B. G.* Anand M. White L. F. Stephant A. Franchi I. A. Zhao X. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract [#1602] We investigate H abundance and isotopic compositions of minerals in angrites, providing insights into the timing of volatile addition to…
Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies of zinc in meteorites constrain the origin of Earth’s volatiles
Rayssa Martins, Sven Kuthning, Barry J. Coles, Katharina Kreissig, and Mark Rehkämper Science26 Jan 2023Vol 379, Issue 6630pp. 369-372 LINK “Material inherited from different nucleosynthesis sources imparts distinct isotopic signatures to meteorites and terrestrial planets….
Meteorites have inherited nucleosynthetic anomalies of potassium-40 produced in supernovae
Nicole X. Nie, Da Wang, Zachary A. Torrano, Richard W. Carlson, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, and Anat Shahar Science26 Jan 2023Vol 379, Issue 6630pp. 372-376 LINK “Meteorites record processes that occurred before and during the…
Meteorite Parent Body Aqueous Alteration Simulations of Interstellar Residue AnalogsOPEN ACCESS
Danna Qasim, Hannah L. McLain, José C. Aponte, Daniel P. Glavin, Jason P. Dworkin, and Christopher K. Materese ACS Earth Space Chem. 2023, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXXPublication Date: January 9, 2023 LINKSupporting information (PDF, OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Some families of…
Methods and tools for handling, transportation, weighing, and pelletization applied to the initial analysis of volatile components in the Hayabusa2 samplesOPEN ACCESS
Ryuji Okazaki, Shinji Yamanouchi, Kazuhiko Shimada, Atsushi Baba, Fumio Kitajima & Toru Yada Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 74, Article number: 190Published: 27 December 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The Hayabusa2 spacecraft succeeded in sampling and returning…
Contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth’s volatile inventory by Cu and Zn isotopic analysis
Marine Paquet, Frederic Moynier, Tetsuya Yokoyama, Wei Dai, Yan Hu, Yoshinari Abe, Jérôme Aléon, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Sachiko Amari, Yuri Amelin, Ken-ichi Bajo, Martin Bizzarro, Audrey Bouvier, Richard W. Carlson, Marc Chaussidon, Byeon-Gak Choi,…
Potassium isotope heterogeneity in the early Solar System controlled by extensive evaporation and partial recondensationOPEN ACCESS
Yan Hu, Frédéric Moynier & Martin Bizzarro Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 7669Published: 12 December 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Volatiles are vital ingredients for a habitable planet. Angrite meteorites sample the most…
Origin of life-forming volatile elements in the inner Solar System
Michael W. Broadley, David V. Bekaert, Laurette Piani, Evelyn Füri & Bernard Marty NatureReview, Published: 09 November 2022 LINK “Volatile elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are essential ingredients to build habitable worlds…
Tellurium isotope fractionation during evaporation from silicate melts
C.J. Renggli, J.L. Hellmann, C. Burkhardt, S. Klemme, J. Berndt, P. Pangritz, T. Kleine Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 26 October 2022 LINK “Highlights • Tellurium volatility increases with oxygen fugacity.• Degassing of Te at…
Noble gases and nitrogen in samples of asteroid Ryugu record its volatile sources and recent surface evolutionOPEN ACCESS
Ryuji Okazaki, Bernard Marty, Henner Busemann, Ko Hashizume, Jamie D. Gilmour, Alex Meshik, Toru Yada, Fumio Kitajima, Michael W. Broadley […] Yuichi Tsuda Science Advances20 Oct 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Supplementary Materials (PDF)…
Limited nitrogen isotopic fractionation during core-mantle differentiation in rocky protoplanets and planets
Damanveer S. Grewal, Tao Sun, Sanath Aithala, Taylor Hough, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Laurence Y. Yeung, Edwin Schauble Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 19 October 2022 LINK “15N/14N ratios of meteorites are a powerful tool for tracing…
Water-rich C-type asteroids as early solar system carbonate factories
Victoria Froh, Maitrayee Bose, Martin D. Suttle, Jacopo Nava, Luigi Folco, Lynda B. Williams, Julie Castillo-Rogez IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 12 October 2022 LINK “Highlights • We investigated a large, fine-grained micrometeorite TAM19B-7…
The cadmium and zinc isotope compositions of the silicate Earth – implications for terrestrial volatile accretionOPEN ACCESS
Harvey Pickard, Emeliana Palk, Maria Schönbächler, Rebekah E.T. Moore, Barry J. Coles, Katharina Kreissig, Katrina Nilsson-Kerr, Samantha J. Hammond, Eiichi Takazawa, Christophe Hémond, Peter Tropper, Dan N. Barfod, Mark Rehkämper Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online…
Origin of Nitrogen Isotopic Variations in the Rocky Bodies of the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 937, Number 25 October 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Noncarbonaceous (NC; inner solar system) meteorites have lower 15N/14N ratios than carbonaceous (CC; outer solar system) meteorites. Whether…
Coordinated neutron and X-ray computed tomography of meteorites: Detection and distribution of hydrogen-bearing materials
Allan H. Treiman, Jacob M. LaManna, Daniel S. Hussey, Isabella deClue, Lawrence M. Anovitz MAPSVersion of Record online: 29 August 2022 LINK “The presence and distribution of hydrogen-bearing materials in meteorites are important constraints on…
Nitrogen isotope evidence for Earth’s heterogeneous accretion of volatilesOPEN ACCESS
Lanlan Shi, Wenhua Lu, Takanori Kagoshima, Yuji Sano, Zenghao Gao, Zhixue Du, Yun Liu, Yingwei Fei & Yuan Li Nature Communications, Volume 13, Article number: 4769 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of major…
Indigenous noble gases in the Moon’s interiorOPEN ACCESS
Patrizia Will, Henner Busemann, My E. I. Riebe and Colin Maden Science Advances10 Aug 2022Vol 8, Issue 32 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of volatiles in the Moon’s interior is debated. Scenarios range…
Nucleosynthetic zinc isotope anomalies reveal a dual origin of terrestrial volatilesOPEN ACCESS
Theodor Steller, Christoph Burkhardt, Chun Yang, Thorsten Kleine IcarusAvailable online 1 July 202 “Highlights • Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies for volatile element zinc.• Same nucleosynthetic NC-CC dichotomy as for non-volatile elements.• Terrestrial zinc mixture of ~70%…
Zinc isotope anomalies in primitive meteorites identify the outer solar system as an important source of Earth’s volatile inventoryOPEN ACCESS
Paul S. Savage, Frédéric Moynier, Maud Boyet IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 1 July 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Chondrites exhibit a range of Zn isotopic anomalies compared to Earth.• Earth’s Zn inventory…
A Review of the “Black Beauty” Martian Regolith Breccia and Its Martian Habitability RecordOPEN ACCESS
Arthur Goodwin, Russell J. Garwood and Romain Tartèse AstrobiologyMini Review, Published Online: 25 Feb 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The regolith breccia Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034 and paired samples are unique meteorite representatives of…
The origin of volatile elements in the Earth–Moon systemOPEN ACCESS
Lars E. Borg, Gregory A. Brennecka, and Thomas S. Kruijer PNAS, February 22, 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of volatile species such as water in the Earth–Moon system is a subject of…
Distant formation and differentiation of outer main belt asteroids and carbonaceous chondrite parent bodiesOPEN ACCESS
H. Kurokawa, T. Shibuya, Y. Sekine, B. L. Ehlmann, F. Usui, S. Kikuchi, M. Yoda accepted for publication in AGU Advances PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update: PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Water-rock reactions and their products in asteroids…
Volatile interactions with the lunar surfaceOPEN ACCESS
Paul G. Lucey, Noah Petro, Dana Hurley, William Farrell, Parvathy Prem, Emily Costello, Morgan Cable, Michael Barker, Mehdi Benna, Darby Dyar, Elizabeth Fisher, Robert Green, Paul Hayne, Karl Hibbitts, Casey Honniball, Shuai Li, Erick Malaret,…
Sample return of primitive matter from the outer Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
P. Vernazza, P. Beck, O. Ruesch, A. Bischoff, L. Bonal, G. Brennecka, R. Brunetto, H. Busemann, J. Carter, C. Carli, C. Cartier, M. Ciarniello, V. Debaille, A. Delsanti, L. D’Hendecourt, E. Füri, O. Groussin, A….
Numerous chondritic impactors and oxidized magma ocean set Earth’s volatile depletionOPEN ACCESS
Haruka Sakuraba, Hiroyuki Kurokawa, Hidenori Genda & Kenji Ohta Scientific Reports, Volume 11, Article number: 20894 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Earth’s surface environment is largely influenced by its budget of major volatile elements:…
Volatility of Sodium in Carbonaceous Chondrites at Temperatures Consistent with Low-perihelion AsteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Joseph R. Masiero, Björn J. R. Davidsson, Yang Liu, Kelsey Moore and Michael Tuite The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 2, Number 4 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Solar system bodies with surface…
The unique spectral and geomorphological characteristics of pitted impact deposits associated with Marcia crater on Vesta
T. Michalik, K.-D. Matz, S.E. Schröder, R. Jaumann, K. Stephan, K. Krohn, F. Preusker, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, K.A. Otto IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 27 July 2021 LINK “Highlights • Pitted impact deposits…
Ryugu’s observed volatile loss did not arise from impact heating aloneOPEN ACCESS
Kosuke Kurosawa, Ryota Moriwaki, Hikaru Yabuta, Ko Ishibashi, Goro Komatsu & Takafumi Matsui Communications Earth & Environment, Volume 2, Article number: 146 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbonaceous asteroids, including Ryugu and Bennu, which…
Tellurium isotope cosmochemistry: Implications for volatile fractionation in chondrite parent bodies and origin of the late veneer
Jan L. Hellmann, Timo Hopp, Christoph Burkhardt, Harry Becker, Mario Fischer-Gödde, Thorsten Kleine Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 6 July 2021 LINK “Tellurium stable isotope compositions and abundances (δ128/126Te relative to…
Erosion of volatiles by micro-meteoroid bombardment on Ceres, and comparison to the Moon and MercuryOPEN ACCESS
Petr Pokorný, Erwan Mazarico, Norbert Schorghofer accepted to PSJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “(1) Ceres, the largest reservoir of water in the main-belt, was recently visited by the Dawn spacecraft that revealed several areas bearing H2O-ice…
Accretion and differentiation of early planetary bodies as recorded in the composition of the silicate Earth
Klaus Mezger, Alessandro Maltese, Hauke Vollstaedt IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 21 April 2021 LINK “Highlights • Element abundances in silicate Earth are the result of accretion of three major chemically and isotopically different…
Composition of terrestrial exoplanet atmospheres from meteorite outgassing experimentsOPEN ACCESS
Maggie A. Thompson, Myriam Telus, Laura Schaefer, Jonathan J. Fortney, Toyanath Joshi & David Lederman Nature Astronomy , 1–11 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Terrestrial exoplanets likely form initial atmospheres through outgassing during and after accretion,…
The lunar Dhofar 1436 meteorite: 40Ar‐39Ar chronology and volatiles, revealed by stepwise combustion and crushing methodsOPEN ACCESS
Ekaterina V. Korochantseva, Alexei I. Buikin, Jens Hopp, Alexander B. Verchovsky, Alexander V. Korochantsev, Mahesh Anand, Mario Trieloff Meteoritics & Planetary ScienceVersion of Record online: 21 March 2021 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The lunar…
Bifurcation of planetary building blocks during Solar System formationOPEN ACCESS
Tim Lichtenberg, Joanna Dra̧żkowska, Maria Schönbächler, Gregor J. Golabek, Thomas O. Hands Science, 22 Jan 2021Vol. 371, Issue 6527, pp. 365-370 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Published 21 January 2021; authors’ version LINK Supplementary Materials (PDF) “Geochemical…
A very early origin of isotopically distinct nitrogen in inner Solar System protoplanetsOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal, Rajdeep Dasgupta & Bernard Marty Nature Astronomy (2021) LINK Preprint (differs from the journal version) PDF (OPEN ACCESS)Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Understanding the origin of life-essential volatiles such as nitrogen (N) in…
Nickel isotopic evidence for late-stage accretion of Mercury-like differentiated planetary embryosOPEN ACCESS
Shui-Jiong Wang, Wenzhong Wang, Jian-Ming Zhu, Zhongqing Wu, Jingao Liu, Guilin Han, Fang-Zhen Teng, Shichun Huang, Hongjie Wu, Yujian Wang, Guangliang Wu & Weihan Li Nature Communications, Volume 12, Article number: 294 (2021) LINK (OPEN…
Collisions and compositional variability in chondrule-forming eventsOPEN ACCESS
Emmanuel Jacquet Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 January 2021 LINK PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Compound chondrules, i.e. chondrules fused together, make a powerful probe of the density and compositional diversity in…
The NC-CC Isotope Dichotomy: Implications for the Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of the Early Solar System
Katherine R. Bermingham, Evelyn Füri, Katharina Lodders & Bernard Marty Space Science Reviews, Volume 216, Article number: 133 (2020) LINK “Understanding the formation of our planetary system requires identification of the materials from which it…
Composition and origin of the volatile released from the Pesyanoe aubrite by stepwise crushing and heating
C.A. Lorenz, A.I. Buikin, A.A. Shiryaev, O.V. Kuznetsova GeochemistryIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 2 October 2020 LINK “Aubrites are achondritic meteorites (enstatite pyroxenites) that were formed in highly reduced magmatic environments on a differentiated…
Earth’s water may have been inherited from material similar to enstatite chondrite meteorites
Laurette Piani, Yves Marrocchi, Thomas Rigaudier, Lionel G. Vacher, Dorian Thomassin, Bernard Marty Science 28 Aug 2020:Vol. 369, Issue 6507, pp. 1110-1113DOI: 10.1126/science.aba1948 LINK Supplementary Materials (PDF) “The origin of Earth’s water remains unknown. Enstatite…
Origin of volatile element depletion among carbonaceous chondrites
Jan L. Hellmann, Timo Hopp, Christoph Burkhardt, Thorsten Kleine Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 549, 1 November 2020, 116508 LINK “Highlights • Correlation of Te isotope composition with Te, matrix fraction, and Cr anomalies.•…
Post-impact cryo-hydrologic formation of small mounds and hills in Ceres’s Occator crater
B. E. Schmidt, H. G. Sizemore, K. H. G. Hughson, K. D. Duarte, V. N. Romero, J. E. C. Scully, P. M. Schenk, D. L. Buczkowski, D. A. Williams, A. Nathues, K. Udell, J. C….
Impact-driven mobilization of deep crustal brines on dwarf planet Ceres
C. A. Raymond, A. I. Ermakov, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, S. Marchi, B. C. Johnson, M. A. Hesse, J. E. C. Scully, D. L. Buczkowski, H. G. Sizemore, P. M. Schenk, A. Nathues, R. S. Park,…
Impact heat driven volatile redistribution at Occator crater on Ceres as a comparative planetary processOPEN ACCESS
P. Schenk, J. Scully, D. Buczkowski, H. Sizemore, B. Schmidt, C. Pieters, A. Neesemann, D. O’Brien, S. Marchi, D. Williams, A. Nathues, M. De Sanctis, F. Tosi, C. T. Russell, J. Castillo-Rogez & C. Raymond…
Volatile Sample Return in the Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Stefanie N. Milam, Jason P. Dworkin, Jamie E. Elsila, Daniel P. Glavin, Perry A. Gerakines, Julie L. Mitchell, Keiko Nakamura-Messenger, Marc Neveu, Larry Nittler, James Parker, Elisa Quintana, Scott A. Sandford, Joshua E. Schlieder, Rhonda…
Identification of chondritic krypton and xenon in Yellowstone gases and the timing of terrestrial volatile accretionOPEN ACCESS
Michael W. Broadley, Peter H. Barry, David V. Bekaert, David J. Byrne, Antonio Caracausi, Christopher J. Ballentine, and Bernard Marty PNAS, first published June 8, 2020 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Identifying the origin of…
The isotopic composition of volatiles in the unique Bench Crater carbonaceous chondrite impactor found in the Apollo 12 regolith
K.H. Joy, R. Tartèse, S. Messenger, M.E. Zolensky, Y. Marrocchi, D.R. Frank, D.A. Kring Earth and Planetary Science LettersVolume 540, 15 June 2020, 116265 LINK “Highlights • The lunar regolith has accumulated volatiles from impacting…
Study of the Composition of Aba Panu (L3) Meteorite Degassing Products
A. V. Stennikov, V. S. Fedulov, S. G. Naimushin, N. V. Dushenko & S. A. Voropaev Solar System Research, Volume 54, pages 150–154 (2020) LINK “The study of the degassing of primitive cosmic matter (in…
The origin and fate of volatile elements on Earth revisited in light of noble gas data obtained from comet 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoOPEN ACCESS
David V. Bekaert, Michael W. Broadley & Bernard Marty Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Article number: 5796 (2020) LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The origin of terrestrial volatiles remains one of the most puzzling questions…
Ruthenium isotope vestige of Earth’s pre-late-veneer mantle preserved in Archaean rocks
Mario Fischer-Gödde, Bo-Magnus Elfers, Carsten Münker, Kristoffer Szilas, Wolfgang D. Maier, Nils Messling, Tomoaki Morishita, Martin Van Kranendonk & Hugh Smithies Nature, Volume 579, pages 240–244 (2020) Published: 11 March 2020 LINK “The accretion of…
Volatile element chemistry during accretion of the earth
Bruce Fegley Jr, Katharina Lodders, Nathan S.Jacobson Geochemistry Review LINK “We review some issues relevant to volatile element chemistry during accretion of the Earth with an emphasis on historical development of ideas during the past…
A quantitative evolved gas analysis for extra-terrestrial samples
A.B. Verchovsky, M. Anand, S.J. Barber, S. Sheridan, G.H. Morgan Planetary and Space Science In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 30 December 2019 LINK “Highlights • The paper describes a quantitative evolve gas analysis with…
An ancient reservoir of volatiles in the Moon sampled by lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 10989OPEN ACCESS
A. Stephant, M. Anand, H.O. Ashcroft, X. Zhao, S. Hu, R.L. Korotev, S.Strekopytov, R.C. Greenwood, E. Humphreys-Williams, Y. Liu, G. Tang, Q.Li, I.A. Franchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 7…
Investigating magmatic processes in the early Solar System using the Cl isotopic systematics of eucritesOPEN ACCESS
T.J. Barrett, J.J. Barnes, M. Anand, I.A. Franchi, R.C. Greenwood, B.L.A. Charlier, X.Zhao, F. Moyniere, M.M. Grady Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 22 June 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN…
Experimental Study of the Product Composition of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite (LL5) Outgassing
A. V. Stennikov, S. A. Voropaev, V. S. Fedulov, N. V. Dushenko & S. G. Naimushin Solar System Research volume 53, pages199–207 (2019) LINK “The Chelyabinsk meteorite sample of type LL5 was subjected to calcination…
H and Cl isotope characteristics of indigenous and late hydrothermal fluids on the differentiated asteroidal parent body of Grave Nunataks 06128OPEN ACCESS
Romain Tartèse, Mahesh Anand, Ian A. Franchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 25 January 2019 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The paired achondrites Graves Nunataks (GRA) 06128 and 06129 are samples of…
Delivery of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur to the silicate Earth by a giant impactOPEN ACCESS
Damanveer S. Grewal, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Chenguang Sun, Kyusei Tsuno and Gelu Costin Science Advances 23 Jan 2019: Vol. 5, no. 1, eaau3669 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau3669 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Earth’s status as the only…
Carbon isotopic variation in ureilites: Evidence for an early, volatile-rich Inner Solar System
Jean-Alix Barrat, Pierre Sansjofre, Akira Yamaguchi, Richard C. Greenwood, Philippe Gillet Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 478, 15 November 2017, Pages 143–149 Available online 19 September 2017 LINK “Highlights • δ13C in ureilites correlate…
Early accretion of water and volatile elements to the inner Solar System: evidence from angrites
Adam R. Sarafian, Erik H. Hauri, Francis M. McCubbin, Thomas J. Lapen, Eve L. Berger, Sune G. Nielsen, Horst R. Marschall, Glenn A. Gaetani, Kevin Righter, Emily Sarafian Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2017 375…
Ruthenium isotopic evidence for an inner Solar System origin of the late veneer
Mario Fischer-Gödde & Thorsten Kleine Nature 541, 525–527 doi:10.1038/nature 21045 Published online: 25 January 2017 LINK “The excess of highly siderophile elements in the Earth’s mantle is thought to reflect the addition of primitive meteoritic…
Carbon and sulfur budget of the silicate Earth explained by accretion of differentiated planetary embryos
Yuan Li, Rajdeep Dasgupta, Kyusei Tsuno, Brian Monteleone & Nobumichi Shimizu Nature Geoscience doi:10.1038/ngeo2801 Published online 05 September 2016 LINK “The abundances of volatile elements in the Earth’s mantle have been attributed to the delivery…
The abundance and isotopic composition of water in eucrites.OPEN ACCESS
Barrett, T. J., Barnes, J. J., Tartèse, R., Anand, M., Franchi, I. A., Greenwood, R. C., Charlier, B. L. A. and Grady, M. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12649 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN…
Chondritic xenon in the Earth’s mantle
Antonio Caracausi,Guillaume Avice,Peter G. Burnard, Evelyn Füri,Bernard Marty Nature (25 April 2016) | doi:10.1038/nature17434 LINK “Noble gas isotopes are powerful tracers of the origins of planetary volatiles, and the accretion and evolution of the Earth….
Constraints on the water, chlorine, and fluorine content of the Martian mantle.
Filiberto, J., Gross, J. and McCubbin, F. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12624 abstract “Previous estimates of the volatile contents of Martian basalts, and hence their source regions, ranged from nearly volatile-free through estimates…
Cold curation of pristine astromaterials: Insights from the Tagish Lake meteorite
Christopher D. K. Herd, Robert W. Hilts, Aaron W. Skelhorne and Danielle N. Simkus Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12603 Article first published online: 7 MAR 2016 LINK “The curation and handling of volatile-bearing astromaterials…
Determination of volatile concentrations in fluorapatite of Martian shergottite NWA 2975 by combining synchrotron FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, EMPA, and TEM, and inferences on the volatile budget of the apatite host-magma.
Słaby, E., Koch-Müller, M., Förster, H.-J., Wirth, R., Rhede, D., Schreiber, A. and Schade, U. Meteoritics & Planetary Science doi: 10.1111/maps.12598 Article first published online: 25 JAN 2016 LINK “We combined the focused ion beam…
Volatile snowlines in embedded disks around low-mass protostars
D. Harsono, S. Bruderer and E. F. van Dishoeck A&A, Volume 582, October 2015 Published online: 02 October 2015 LINK
The chlorine isotope fingerprint of the lunar magma ocean
By Jeremy W. Boyce, Allan H. Treiman, Yunbin Guan, Chi Ma, John M. Eiler, Juliane Gross, James P. Greenwood, Edward M. Stolper Science Advances 25 Sep 2015: Vol. 1, no. 8, e1500380 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1500380 LINK…
Thermal Stability of Ice on Ceres with Rough Topography
P. O. Hayne , O. Aharonson Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets DOI: 10.1002/2015JE004887 LINK
Extensive volatile loss during formation and differentiation of the Moon
Chizu Kato, Frederic Moynier, Maria C. Valdes, Jasmeet K. Dhaliwal, James M.D. Day Nature Communications 6, Article number: 7617 doi:10.1038/ncomms8617 LINK (open access)
Evidence for the exsolution of Cl-rich fluids in martian magmas: Apatite petrogenesis in the enriched lherzolitic shergottite Northwest Africa 7755
G.H. Howarth, J.F. Pernet-Fisher, R.J. Bodnar, L.A. Taylor Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 30 June 2015 LINK
Spectral Probing of Impact-Generated Vapor in Laboratory Experiments
Peter H. Schultz, Clara A. Eberhardy Icarus, available online 31 October 2014 LINK (abstract)
The fate of magmas in planetesimals and the retention of primitive chondritic crusts
Fua RR and Elkins-Tanton LT (2014) Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 390, 15 March 2014, Pages 128–137 LINK High abundances of short-lived radiogenic isotopes in the early solar system led to interior melting and…