Cooling Rates of Type I Chondrules from the Renazzo CR2 Chondrite: Implications for Chondrule Formation
N. Chaumard, M. Humayun, B. Zanda, R. H. Hewins 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1907 PDF LINK
Atypical Amino Acid Structural and Isotopic Compositions in the CR2 Chondrite Miller Range 090001 and the CH3 Chondrite Sayh al Uhaymir 290
A. S. Burton, J. E. Elsila, E. T. Parker, D. P. Glavin, J. P. Dworkin, R. Bartoschewitz 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2242 PDF LINK
Processes Affecting the CR Chondrites Parent Body: Petrology, Mineralogy and Chemical Composition of the Matrices of Antarctic CR Carbonaceous Chondrites
N. M. Abreu 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2561 PDF LINK
Magnetite in CK and CV Chondrites: Evidence for Two Parent Bodies?
T. L. Dunn, J. Gross 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1105 PDF LINK
A 33S Anomaly in CM Chondrites
J. Labidi, J. Farquhar, D. L. Eldridge, H. Oduro, C. Alexander, G. Cody 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1869 PDF LINK
Hafnium-Tungsten Age of Allende Chondrules and Matrix
G. Budde, T. Kleine, T. S. Kruijer, K. Metzler 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2262 PDF LINK
Miller Range 090657: A Very Pristine Renazzo-Like (CR) Carbonaceous Chondrite
J. Davidson, C. M. O’D. Alexander, D. L. Schrader, L. R. Nittler, R. Bowden 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1603 PDF LINK
Impact Melting of CV and CM Chondrites
N. G. Lunning, C. M. Corrigan, H. Y. McSween, T. J. Tenner, N. T. Kita 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2076 PDF LINK
Refractory Inclusions Recycled During Formation of Porphyritic Chondrules from CH Carbonaceous Chondrites
A. N. Krot, K. Nagashima, E. M. M. E. van Kooten, M. Bizzarro 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1596 PDF LINK
Genetic Link Between Fluffy Type A, Compact Type A and Type B CAIs from CV3 Chondrites NWA 3118 and Efremovka
M. A. Ivanova, A. N. Krot, G. J. MacPherson 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2371 PDF LINK
High Abundance of Methylamine in the Orgueil (CI1) Meteorite
J. C. Aponte, J. P. Dworkin, J. E. Elsila 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1075 PDF LINK
Tracking the Earliest Stages of Aqueous Alteration in the Mildly Altered CM Chondrite EET 96029
P. Lindgren, M. R. Lee 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1760 PDF LINK
The Glue that Holds Worlds Together: Abundance, Origin and Significance of Amorphous Fe, Mg Silicate in Carbonaceous Chondrites
K. T. Howard, J. Davidson, C. M. O’D. Alexander, N. M. Abreu 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2244 PDF LINK
Lithologies Making Up CM Carbonaceous Chondrites and Their Link to Space Exposure Ages
T. Gregory, M. E. Zolensky, A. Trieman, E. Berger, L. Le, A. Fagan, A. Takenouchi, M. A. Velbel, K. Nishiizumi 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1227 PDF LINK
An Amoeboid Olivine Aggregate Surrounded by an Igneous Ferroan Olivine-Rich Rim from CO3.0 Chondrite DOM 08006
K. Nagashima, A. N. Krot, C. Park 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2477 PDF LINK
A Search for Cosmic Symplectite in the Acfer 094 and Miller Range 07687 Meteorites
L. R. Nittler, J. Davidson, N. Liu, C. M. O’D. Alexander, R. M. Stroud 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2097 PDF LINK
Effects of Secondary Processing on Presolar Grain Abundances and Compositions in the Unique Carbonaceous Chondrite Miller Range 07687
C. Floss, A. J. Brearley 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1004 PDF LINK
Chemical Composition and Iron Oxidation State of the Amorphous Silicate Matrix in Acfer 094
T. Hopp, C. Vollmer, D. Lautenschläger, M. Pelka, J. Render 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1172 PDF LINK
High-Precision SIMS Chondrule Oxygen Isotope Ratios from the Yamato 82094 Ungrouped Carbonaceous Chondrite
T. J. Tenner, M. Kimura, N. T. Kita 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2162 PDF LINK
Differentiated Planetesimals with Chondritic Crusts: New Δ17O-ε54Cr Evidence in Unique, Ungrouped Achondrites for Partial Melting of the CV/CK and CO Parent Bodies
M. E. Sanborn, Q.-Z. Yin, A. J. Irving, T. E. Bunch 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #2259 PDF LINK
A New Unequilibrated Chondrite Lithology Discovered in the Murchison CM2 Meteorite
G. K. Benedix, S. S. Russell, L. V. Forman, A. W. R. Bevan, P. A. Bland 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1143 PDF LINK
Organic Matter in the Unique Carbonaceous Chondrite Miller Range 07687: A Coordinated In Situ NanoSIMS, FIB-TEM, and XANES Study
J. Davidson, L. R. Nittler, R. M. Stroud, A. Takigawa, B. T. De Gregorio, C. M. O’D. Alexander, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, G. D. Cody 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1609 PDF…
Differences Within Carbonaceous Chondrite Groups from a Comparative ICP-MS Bulk Chemistry
M. Martínez-Jiménez, J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez, J. Alonso-Azcárate 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1122 PDF LINK
Petrologic and Isotopic Classification of Ungrouped Achondrite NWA 8186: Implications for a CK/CV Asteroidal Origin
P. Srinivasan, F. M. McCubbin, C. B. Agee, K. Ziegler, M. E. Sanborn, Q.-Z. Yin 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015), Abstract #1472 PDF LINK
Carbonate abundances and isotopic compositions in chondrites
C. M. O’D. Alexander, R. Bowden, M. L. Fogel and K. T. Howard Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12410 LINK We report the bulk C abundances, and C and O isotopic compositions of carbonates in…
Evidence for an early nitrogen isotopic evolution in the solar nebula from volatile analyses of a CAI from the CV3 chondrite NWA 8616
Evelyn Füri, Marc Chaussidon, Bernard Marty Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, available online 20 January 2015 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.01.004 LINK
Reactive ammonia in the solar protoplanetary disk and the origin of Earth’s nitrogen
Dennis Harries,Peter Hoppe, Falko Langenhorst Nature Geoscience (2015) doi:10.1038/ngeo2339 LINK Supplementary Information (PDF) Yamato 793321
The formation and alteration of the Renazzo-like carbonaceous chondrites III: Toward understanding the genesis of ferromagnesian chondrules
Devin L. Schrader, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Dante S. Lauretta, Thomas J. Zega, Jemma Davidson and Kenneth J. Domanik first published online: 22 DEC 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/maps.12402 LINK
Case study of chondrule alteration with IR spectroscopy in NWA 2086 CV3 meteorite
A. Kereszturi, I. Gyollai, M. Szabó Planetary and Space Science available online 18 December 2014 LINK
The origin of chondrules: Constraints from matrix composition and matrix-chondrule complementarityOPEN ACCESS
Herbert Palme, Dominik C. Hezel, Denton S. Ebel Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 411, 1 February 2015, Pages 11–19 LINK Update (6 July 2023): PDF (OPEN ACCESS)
An early solar system magnetic field recorded in CM chondrites
C. Cournede, J. Gattacceca, M. Gounelle, P. Rochette, B.P. Weiss, B. Zanda Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 410, 15 January 2015, Pages 62–74 LINK
New insight into the Solar System’s transition disk phase provided by the unusual meteorite Isheyevo
Melissa A. Morris, Laurence A. J. Garvie, L. Paul Knauth The Astrophysical Journal Letters ApJ 801 L22. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/801/2/L22 Received 4 Dezember 2014, accepted for publication 30 Januar 2015. Published 9 März 2015. PDF LINK (open…
X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopic study of Hayabusa category 3 carbonaceous particles
Hikaru Yabuta, Masayuki Uesugi, Hiroshi Naraoka, Motoo Ito, A L David Kilcoyne, Scott A Sandford, Fumio Kitajima, Hajime Mita, Yoshinori Takano, Toru Yada, Yuzuru Karouji, Yukihiro Ishibashi, Tatsuaki Okada, Masanao Abe Earth, Planets and Space…
High-Precision Oxygen-Isotope Measurements with SHRIMP SI
Trevor Ireland (ANU), Marian Sapah (ANU), Janaina Avila (ANU), Peter Holden (ANU), and Peter Lanc (ANU) PDF LINK
Discovery of unusual 3 micron bands on some CM chondrite chips of NIPR and possible link to asteroidal surface minerals
Takahiro Hiroi, Hiroshi Kaiden, Naoya Imae, Akira Yamaguchi, Hideyasu Kojima, Sho Sasaki, Moe Matsuoka, Tomoki Nakamura, Carle Pieters PDF LINK
Reflectance spectra measurement of hydrated and dehydrated carbonaceous chondrites using the Near Infrared Spectrometer on Hayabusa 2 spacecraft
Tomoki Nakamura (Tohoku Univ), Takahiro Iwata (JAXA), Kohei Kitasato (Univ of Aizu), Masanao Abe (JAXA), Takahito Osawa (JAEA), Moe Matsuoka (Tohoku Univ), Yusuke Nakauchi (JAXA), Takehiko Arai (JAXA), Mutsumi Komatsu (Graduate Univ for Advanced Studies),…
Aqueous fluid inclusion candidates in Sutter’s Mill meteorite (CM) and their 3D microtextures using X-ray micro-tomography combined with FIB sampling.
Akira Tsuchiyama (Kyoto U.), Akira Miyake (Kyoto U.), Michael E. Zolensky (NASA/JSC), Kentaro Uesugi (JASRI/SPring-8), Tsukasa Nakano (AIST/GSJ), Akihisa Takeuchi (JASRI/SPring-8), Yoshio Suzuki (JASRI/SPring-8) and Kenta Yoshida (Kyoto U.) PDF LINK
Search for amino acid precursors in carbonaceous chondrites and cosmic dusts
Kensei Kobayashi (YNU, NINS), Hajime Mita (FIT), Yoko Kebukawa (YNU), Yuto Ishikawa (YNU), Takeo Kaneko (YNU), Akihiko Yamagishi (TUPLS), Tanpopo (JAXA) PDF LINK
Challenging analyses of organic content in Saharan carbonaceous chondrites
Yutaro Osawa (Kyushu University), Sandra Pizzarello (Arizona State University) PDF LINK
Eclogitic clasts found in NWA 801 CR2 chondrite: Formation of high pressure minerals in deep interior of a Moon-sized planetesimal
Hajime Hiyagon (Univ. Tokyo), Naoji Sugiura (Univ. Tokyo), Noriko Kita (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Makoto Kimura (Ibaraki Univ.), Yuichi Morishita (Shizuoka Univ.) and Yoshie Takehana (Univ. Tokyo) PDF LINK
The relationship between CI falls and CI finds
Ashley King (NHM), Paul Schofield (NHM), Kieren Howard (KBCC), Sara Russell (NHM) PDF LINK
Mineral alteration of a Type B CAI from the reduced CV3 chondrite, Efremovka
Yuma Enokido (Waseda University), Timothy Fagan (Waseda U.), H. Aragane (Waseda U.) PDF LINK
Evidence for Os isotopic homogeneity in the solar nebula from CV-CK carbonaceous chondrites
Steven Goderis (VUB, UGent, UH), Alan D. Brandon (UH), Bernhard Mayer (FSU), Munir Humayun (FSU) PDF LINK
An experimental study of the formation of cubanite (CuFe2S3) in primitive meteorites
Berger, E. L., Keller, L. P. and Lauretta, D. S. (2014), Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12399 LINK
Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite
Luca Bindi, Nan Yao, Chaney Lin, Lincoln S. Hollister, Glenn J. MacPherson, Gerald R. Poirier, Christopher L. , Andronicos Vadim V. Distler, Michael P. Eddy, Alexander Kostin, Valery Kryachko, William M. Steinhardt, and Marina Yudovskaya…
Chloromethane release from carbonaceous meteorite affords new insight into Mars lander findings
Frank Keppler, David B. Harper, Markus Greule, Ulrich Ott, Tobias Sattler, Heinz F. Schöler, John T. G. Hamilton Scientific Reports 4, Article number:7010 doi:10.1038/srep07010 published 13 November 2014 LINK (open access) Supplementary information (PDF)
Presolar materials and isotope anomalies in the unique carbonaceous chondrite Miller Range 07687
J. Davidson, L. R. Nittler, and C. M. O’D. Alexander. Goldschmidt 2014, Abstract #503 LINK
Petrography, stable isotope compositions, microRaman spectroscopy, and presolar components of Roberts Massif 04133: A reduced CV3 carbonaceous chondrite
Davidson, J., Schrader, D. L., Alexander, C. M. O’D., Lauretta, D. S., Busemann, H., Franchi, I. A., Greenwood, R. C., Connolly, H. C., Domanik, K. J. and Verchovsky, A. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12377…
Investigating the Hydration of CM2 meteorites by IR spectroscopy
S Góbi, Á Kereszturi, P Beck, E Quirico, B Schmidt Workshop on the Modern Analytical Methods Applied to Earth and Planetary Sciences, held 1 November 2014 in Sopron, Hungary. LPI Contribution No. 1821 LINK (PDF)…
Classification of hydrous meteorites (CR, CM and C2 ungrouped) by phyllosilicate fraction: PSD-XRD modal mineralogy and planetesimal environments
K.T. Howard, C.M.O’D. Alexander, D.L. Schrader, K.A. Dyl DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.10.025 available online 4 November 2014 LINK Here we report the bulk mineralogies and degrees of hydration in 37 different carbonaceous chondrites: Renazzo-like (CR), Mighei-like (CM),…
Cathodoluminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Forsterite from the Tagish Lake Meteorite: An Implication for the Luminescence – Based Astromineralogy
Gucsik A. * Nishido H. Ninagawa K. Gyollai I. Izawa M. Kereszturi A. Modern Analytical Methods I Workshop on the Modern Analytical Methods Applied to Earth and Planetary Sciences (methods 2014) PDF LINK
Early accretion of water in the inner solar system from a carbonaceous chondrite–like source
Adam R. Sarafian,Sune G. Nielsen,Horst R. Marschall,Francis M. McCubbin, and Brian D. Monteleone Science 31 October 2014: Vol. 346 no. 6209 pp. 623-626 DOI: 10.1126/science.1256717 LINK Materials and Methods – Supplementary Text (PDF) Earth’s Water…
Replacement of olivine by serpentine in the Queen Alexandra Range 93005 carbonaceous chondrite (CM2): Reactant-product compositional relations, and isovolumetric constraints on reaction stoichiometry and elemental mobility during aqueous alteration
Michael A. Velbel, Eric K. Tonui, Michael E. Zolensky Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, available online 30 October 2014 LINK
Fluid-induced organic synthesis in the solar nebula recorded in extraterrestrial dust from meteorites
Vollmer C, Demie Kepaptsoglou D, Leitner J, Busemann H, Spring NH, Ramasse QM, Hoppe P, Nittler LR (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 43, 15338–15343 LINK The direct association of both IDP-like…
Bourot-Denism, M.; Zanda, B.; Marrocchi, Y.; Greenwood, R. C.; Pont, S.; Hewins, R. H.; Franchi, I. A. and Cornen, G. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1-5 March 2010, Houston, Texas PDF LINK
The Orgueil meteorite: 150 years of history
The Orgueil meteorite: 150 years of history Matthieu Gounelle and Michael E. Zolensky Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 1769–1794. doi: 10.1111/maps.12351 Article first published online: 16 OCT 2014 LINK Abstract The goal of this paper…
In situ biological Resources: Soluble Nutrients and Electrolytes in carbonaceous asteroids/meteorites. Implications for astroecology and space populations
In situ biological Resources: Soluble Nutrients and Electrolytes in carbonaceous asteroids/meteorites. Implications for astroecology and space populations Michael N. Mautner Planetary and Space Science DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2014.10.001 In Press, Available online 16 October 2014 LINK
Oxygen isotope ratios of FeO-poor chondrules in CR3 chondrites: Influence of dust enrichment and H2O during chondrule formation
Travis J. Tenner, Daisuke Nakashima, Takayuki Ushikubo, Noriko T. Kita, Michael K. Weisberg Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, available online 15 October 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.025 LINK
Infrared imaging spectroscopy with micron resolution of Sutter’s Mill meteorite grains
Mehmet Yesiltas, Yoko Kebukawa, Robert E. Peale, Eric Mattson, Carol J. Hirschmugl and Peter Jenniskens Meteoritics & Planetary Science Article first published online: 13 OCT 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/maps.12321 LINK Abstract Synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared…
Chromium isotopic systematics of the Sutter’s Mill carbonaceous chondrite: Implications for isotopic heterogeneities of the early solar system
Akane Yamakawa and Qing-Zhu Yin Meteoritics & Planetary Science Article first published online: 13 OCT 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/maps.12346 LINK Abstract Recent studies have shown that major meteorite groups possess their own characteristic 54Cr values,…
Diamond xenolith and matrix organic matter in the Sutter’s Mill meteorite measured by C-XANES
Yoko Kebukawa, Michael E. Zolensky, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Zia Rahman, Peter Jenniskens and George D. Cody Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12312 Article first published online: 13 OCT 2014 LINK Abstract The Sutter’s Mill…
A water–ice rich minor body from the early Solar System: The CR chondrite parent asteroid
Devin L. Schrader, Jemma Davidson, Richard C. Greenwood, Ian A. Franchi, Jenny M. Gibson Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 407, 1 December 2014, Pages 48–60 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.030 LINK Update (11 October): PDF LINK (free…
Aqueous Alteration on Asteroids: Linking the Mineralogy and Spectroscopy of CM and CI Chondrites
M.M. McAdam, J.M. Sunshine, K.T. Howard, T.M. McCoy Icarus DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.09.041 LINK Abstract CM/CI meteorites range in degree of aqueous alteration suggesting differences in initially accreted materials including water ice and possible spatial heterogeneities within…
Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions with fractionation and unknown nuclear effects (FUN CAIs): I. Mineralogy, petrology, and oxygen isotopic compositions
Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Gerald J. Wasserburg, Gary R. Huss, Dimitri Papanastassiou, Andrew M. Davis, Ian D. Hutcheone, Martin Bizzarro Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.027 Available online 2 October 2014 LINK Abstract We…
Analysis of ripple or flow-like features in NWA 3118 CV3 meteorite
Kereszturi Akos, Ormandi Szivia, Jozsa Sandor, Szabo Mate,Toth Maria DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2014.09.011 Planetary and Space Science Available online 28 September 2014 LINK Abstract Analysing NWA 3118 CV3 chondrite with optical microscopy and electron microprobe methods, mostly…
Detection of a branched alkyl molecule in the interstellar medium: iso-propyl cyanide
Arnaud Belloche, Robin T. Garrod, Holger S. P. Müller, Karl M. Menten Science 26 September 2014: Vol. 345 no. 6204 pp. 1584-1587 DOI: 10.1126/science.1256678 LINK Abstract The largest noncyclic molecules detected in the interstellar medium…
The paradox between low shock-stage and evidence for compaction in CM carbonaceous chondrites explained by multiple low-intensity impacts
Paula Lindgren, Romy D. Hanna, Katherine J. Dobson, Tim Tomkinson, Martin R. Lee Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.014 (in press) Available online 18 September 2014 LINK
An oxygen isotope study of Wark–Lovering rims on type A CAIs in primitive carbonaceous chondrites
Jean-David Bodénan, Natalie A. Starkey, Sara S. Russell, Ian P. Wright, Ian A. Franchi Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 401, 1 September 2014, Pages 327-336 LINK Calcium–aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs) and the thin Wark–Lovering (WL)…
Samarium–neodymium chronology and rubidium–strontium systematics of an Allende calcium–aluminum-rich inclusion with implications for 146Sm half-life
N.E. Marks, L.E. Borg, I.D. Hutcheon, B. Jacobsen, R.N. Clayton Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 405, 1 November 2014, Pages 15–24 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.08.017 Available online 29 August 2014 LINK
Aragonite, breunnerite, calcite and dolomite in the CM carbonaceous chondrites: High fidelity recorders of progressive parent body aqueous alteration
Martin R. Lee, Paula Lindgren, Mahmood R. Sofe Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Available online 28 August 2014 LINK
Sequential analysis of carbonaceous materials in Hayabusa-returned samples for the determination of their origin
Masayuki Uesugi, Hiroshi Naraoka, Motoo Ito, Hikaru Yabuta, Fumio Kitajima, Yoshinori Takano, Hajime Mita, Ichiro Ohnishi, Yoko Kebukawa, Toru Yada, Yuzuru Karouji, Yukihiro Ishibashi, Takaaki Okada and Masanao Abe Earth, Planets and Space 2014, 66:102…
Hydrocarbon Materials of Likely Interstellar Origin from the Paris Meteorite
S. Merouane, Z. Djouadi, L. Le Sergeant d’Hendecourt, B. Zanda, and J. Borg The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 756, Number 2 LINK (open access)
Alteration processes in the CV chondrite parent body based on analysis of NWA 2086 meteorite
Kereszturi, A., Blumberger, Z., Józsa, S., May, Z., Müller, A., Szabó, M. and Tóth, M. (2014). Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12336 LINK
No nebular magnetization in the Allende CV carbonaceous chondrite
R.R. Fu, E.A. Lima, B.P. Weiss Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 404, 15 October 2014, Pages 54–66 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.07.014 LINK
Potential for analysis of carbonaceous matter on Mars using Raman spectroscopy
Hutchinson IB, Parnell J, Edwards HGM, Jehlicka J, Marshall CP, Harris LV, Ingley R Planetary and Space Science Volume 103, 15 November 2014, Pages 184–190 LINK
Reactivity and Survivability of Glycolaldehyde in Simulated Meteorite Impact Experiments
V.P. McCaffrey, N.E.B. Zellner, C.M. Waun, E.R. Bennett, E.K. Earl Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres February 2014, Volume 44, Issue 1, pp 29-42 PDF (full text) abstract
The Paris CM chondrite: Secondary minerals and asteroidal processing
Yves Marrocchi, Matthieu Gounelle, Ingrid Blanchard, Florent Caste, Anton T. Kearsley Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 1232–1249. doi: 10.1111/maps.12329 LINK
Cosmogenic 180W Variations in Meteorites and Re-assessment of a Possible 184Os-180W Decay System
Cook DL, Kruijer TS, Leya I and Kleine T. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 140, 1 September 2014, Pages 160–176 LINK
Fossil records of high level of 60Fe in chondrules from unequilibrated chondrites
Mishra R.K. and Chaussidon M. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 398, 15 July 2014, Pages 90–100 LINK
Amoeboid olivine aggregates from CH carbonaceous chondrites
Krot AN, Park C and Nagashima K. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 139, 15 August 2014, Pages 131–153 LINK
Ion irradiation of Allende meteorite probed by visible, IR, and Raman spectroscopies
Brunetto et al. (in press) Icarus Volume 237, 15 July 2014, Pages 278–292 LINK
Coordinated NanoSIMS and FIB-TEM Analyses of Organic Matter and Associated Matrix Materials in CR3 Chondrites
Floss C, Le Guillou C and Brearley A. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 139, 15 August 2014, Pages 1–25 LINK
Hydrothermal origin of hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 (dmisteinbergite) in a compact type A CAI from the Northwest Africa 2086 CV3 chondrite
Fintor K, Park C, Nagy S, Pál-Molnár E and Krot AN (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 812–823. doi: 10.1111/maps.12294 LINK
The amino acid composition of the Sutter’s Mill CM2 carbonaceous chondrite
Burton AS, Glavin DP, Elsila JE, Dworkin JP, Jenniskens P and Yin Q-Z Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 11, pages 2074–2086, November 2014 LINK
Olivine-rich rims surrounding chondrules in the Mokoia CV3 carbonaceous chondrite: Further evidence for parent-body processes
Tomeoka K and Ohnishi I Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 137, 15 July 2014, Pages 18–34 LINK
Investigation of Pyridine Carboxylic Acids in CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites: Potential Precursor Molecules for Ancient Coenzymes
Smith KE, Callahan MP, Gerakines PA, Dworkin JP and House CH Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 136, 1 July 2014, Pages 1–12 LINK
The abundance and stability of “water” in type 1 and 2 carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM and CR)
Garenne A, Beck P, Montes-Hernandez G, Chiriac R, Toche F, Quirico E, Bonal L and B. Schmitt B (in press) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 137, 15 July 2014, Pages LINK
Coordinated Chemical and Isotopic Imaging of Bells (CM2) Meteorite Matrix
S. J. Clemett, S. Messenger, K. Nakamura-Messenger and K. L. Thomas-Keprta Meteoritic organic matter is a complex conglomeration of species formed in distinct environments and processes in circumstellar space, the interstellar medium, the Solar Nebula…
Degree of Aqueous Alteration in CM2 Paris and the Petrography of its Refractory and Amoeboid Olivine Inclusions
Rubin, A. E. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1130 PDF LINK
Sub-Micrometer Composition Fields of Acfer 094 and Paris Matrices
Leroux, H.; Cuvillier, P.; Zanda, B.; Hewins, R. H. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1706 PDF LINK
The Sutter’s Mill meteorite: Thermoluminescence data on thermal and metamorphic history
Sears, D. W. and Beauford, R. Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 11, pages 2047–2055, November 2014
Detection and rapid recovery of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite fall as a model for future recoveries worldwide
Fries M, Le Corre L, Hankey M, Fries J, Matson R, Schaefer J and Reddy V (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 11, pages 1989–1996, November 2014
Petrology and bulk chemistry of Yamato-82094, a new type of carbonaceous chondrite
Kimura M, Barrat JA, Weisberg MK, Imae N, Yamaguchi A and Kojima H (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 3, pages 346–357, March 2014
Atom-probe analyses of nanodiamonds from Allende
Heck, P. R., Stadermann, F. J., Isheim, D., Auciello, O., Daulton, T. L., Davis, A. M., Elam, J. W., Floss, C., Hiller, J., Larson, D. J., Lewis, J. B., Mane, A., Pellin, M. J., Savina,…
The secondary history of Sutter’s Mill CM carbonaceous chondrite based on water abundance and the structure of its organic matter from two clasts.
Beck, P., Quirico, E., Garenne, A., Yin, Q.-Z., Bonal, L., Schmitt, B., Montes-Hernandez, G., Montagnac, G., Chiriac, R. and Toche, F. Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 11, pages 2064–2073, November 2014 LINK
Mid-infrared study of stones from the Sutter’s Mill meteorite
Nuevo M, Sandford SA, Flynn GJ and Wirick S (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 11, pages 2017–2026, November 2014 LINK
Soluble organic compounds in the Tagish Lake meteorite
Hilts RW, Herd CDK, Simkus DN and Slater GF (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 526–549. doi: 10.1111/maps.12272 LINK The C2 ungrouped Tagish Lake meteorite preserves a range of lithologies, reflecting variable degrees of…
Quantified, whole section trace element mapping of carbonaceous chondrites by Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy: 1. CV meteorites
Dyl KA, Cleverley JS, Bland PA, Ryan CG, Fisher LA and Hough RM (in press) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 134, 1 June 2014, Pages 100–119 LINK
Weakly shocked and deformed CM microxenoliths in the Pułtusk H chondrite
Krzesińska A and Fritz J Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 595–610. doi: 10.1111/maps.12276 LINK
Sutter’s Mill dicarboxylic acids as possible tracers of parent-body alteration processes
Pizzarello S. and Garvie L.A.J. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12264 LINK Dicarboxylic acids were searched for in three Sutter’s Mill (SM) fragments (SM2 collected prerain, SM12, and SM41) and found to occur almost exclusively…
Nature’s Starships. I. Observed Abundances and Relative Frequencies of Amino Acids in Meteorites
Cobb AK and Pudritz RE (2014) The Astrophysical Journal 783:140. ApJ 783 140. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/783/2/140 LINK We see a predominance in the abundance and variety of amino acids in CM2 and CR2 meteorites. The range in…
Testing variations within the Tagish Lake meteorite—I: Mineralogy and petrology of pristine samples
Blinova AI, Zega TJ, Herd CDK and Stroud RM (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49: 473–502. doi: 10.1111/maps.12271 LINK
Evidence for Mo isotope fractionation in the solar nebula and during planetary differentiation
Burkhardt C, Hin RC, Kleine T and Bernard Bourdon B (2014) Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 391, 1 April 2014, Pages 201–211 LINK
Metamorphosed calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in CK carbonaceous chondrites
Chaumard N, Devouard B, Bouvier A and Wadhwa M (in press) Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volume 49, Issue 3, pages 419–452, March 2014 LINK Excluding metamorphic features, the similarity in nature and abundance of CAIs…
Variations in the O-isotope composition of gas during the formation of chondrules from the CR chondrites
Schrader DL, Nagashima K, Krot AN, Ogliore RC and Hellebrand E (in press) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 132, 1 May 2014, Pages 50–74 LINK The compositional and O-isotope data suggest that BO chondrules experienced…
The fate of magmas in planetesimals and the retention of primitive chondritic crusts
Fua RR and Elkins-Tanton LT (2014) Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 390, 15 March 2014, Pages 128–137 LINK High abundances of short-lived radiogenic isotopes in the early solar system led to interior melting and…
Highly Siderophile Elements and 187Re-187Os Isotopic Systematics of the Allende Meteorite: Evidence for Primary Nebular Processes and Late-stage Alteration
Archer GJ, Ash RD, Bullock ES and Walker RJ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 131, 15 April 2014, Pages 402–414 LINK
Origins of Al-rich chondrules: Clues from a compound Al-rich chondrule in the Dar al Gani 978 carbonaceous chondrite
Zhang A-C, Itoh S., Naoya Sakamoto N., Wang R-C and Hisayoshi Yurimoto H. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 130, 1 April 2014, Pages 78–92 LINK
Evolution of organic matter in Orgueil, Murchison and Renazzo during parent body aqueous alteration: in-situ investigations
Le Guillou C, Bernard S, Brearley AJ and Remusat L Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 131, 15 April 2014, Pages 368–392 DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.020 LINK (abstract) In contrast to Renazzo, organic grains in Murchison and Orgueil…
Nepheline and sodalite in the matrix of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite: Implications for formation through parent-body processes
Matsumoto M, Tomeoka K, Seto Y, Miyake A and Sugita M Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 126, 1 February 2014, Pages 441–454 LINK
Instrumental neutron activation analyses of the most Earth-like meteorites
Gerd Weckwerth Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry January 2014, Volume 299, Issue 1, pp 221-228 LINK C1-carbonaceous chondrites are known to have the highest meteoritic content of volatile elements. Nevertheless, most volatile elements, such…
Shock synthesis of amino acids from impacting cometary and icy planet surface analogues
Howard et al. (2013) Nature Geoscience 6, 1018–1022 (2013) doi:10.1038/ngeo1996 LINK (abstract)
Transmission infrared spectra (2-25 microns) of carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM, CV-CK, CR, C2 ungrouped): mineralogy, water, and asteroidal processes
Beck P, Garenne A, Quirico E, Bonal L, Montes-Hernandez G, Moynier F and Schmitt B Icarus Volume 229, February 2014, Pages 263–277 LINK
Relationships between organics, water and early stages of aqueous alteration in the pristine CR3.0 chondrite MET 00426
Le Guillou C and Brearley A Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 131, 15 April 2014, Pages 344–367 LINK
Constraining the pressure threshold of impact induced calcite twinning: Implications for the deformation history of aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies
Lindgren P, Price MC, Lee MR and Burchell MJ Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 384, 15 December 2013, Pages 71–80 LINK
Trace element geochemistry of CR chondrite metal
Jacquet E, Paulhiac-Pison M, Alard O, Kearsley AT and Gounelle M Meteoritics and Planetary Science, volume 48, issue 10, 1981-1999, October 2013 doi: 10.1111/maps.12212 (updated 6 February 2015) PDF (full text) LINK
The Paris meteorite, the least altered CM chondrite so far
Hewins RH, Zanda B, Leroux H, Barrat J-A, Humayun M, Göpel C, Greenwood RC, Franchi IA, Pont S, Lorand J-P, Cournède C, Gattacceca J, Rochette P, Kuga M, Marrocchi Y and Marty B (in press)…
Biomass preservation in impact melt ejecta
Martins Z, Price MC, Goldman N, Sephton MA and Burchell MJ (2013) Nature Geoscience 6, 1045–1049 (2013) doi:10.1038/ngeo1930 LINK (abstract)
Processing of meteoritic organic materials as a possible analog of early molecular evolution in planetary environments
Sandra Pizzarello, Stephen K. Davidowski, Gregory P. Holland, and Lynda B. Williams Published online before print September 9, 2013, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1309113110 PNAS September 24, 2013 vol. 110 no. 39 15614-15619 PDF-LINK Supporting information Significance The…
In situ Observation of D-rich Carbonaceous Globules Embedded in NWA 801 CR2 chondrite
Hashiguchi M, Kobayashi S and Yurimoto H Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 122, 1 December 2013, Pages 306–323 DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.08.007 LINK
Correlated Petrologic and Mg-Isotopic Studies of an Unusual Igneous Fragment in the Paris CM Chondrite
Caillet Komorowski, C.; Mostefaoui, S.; Boudouma, O.; Godard, G.; Fialin, M. 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, held July 29-August 7, 2013 in Edmonton, Canada. Published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, id.5199 PDF…
The oxygen isotope evolution of parent body aqueous solutions as recorded by multiple carbonate generations in the Lonewolf Nunataks 94101 CM2 carbonaceous chondrite
M.R. Lee, M.R. Sofe, P. Lindgren, N.A. Starkey, I.A. Franchi Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume 121, 15 November 2013, Pages 452–466 Available online 19 July 2013 OPEN ACCESS LINK Abstract The CM2 carbonaceous chondrite LON…
Hydrogen Isotopes in Lunar Volcanic Glasses and Melt Inclusions Reveal a Carbonaceous Chondrite Heritage
A.E. Saal et al. Published Online May 9 2013 Science 14 June 2013: Vol. 340 no. 6138 pp. 1317-1320 DOI: 10.1126/science.1235142 LINK Water is perhaps the most important molecule in the solar system, and determining…
The classification of CM and CR chondrites using bulk H, C and N abundances and isotopic compositions
Alexander CMO’D, Howard KT, Bowden R and Fogel ML (in press) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.05.019 Volume 123, 15 December 2013, Pages 244–260 Available online 25 May 2013 LINK
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Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions and Water Contents in Type I Chondrules of Paris CM Chondrite
44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 18-22, 2013 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1719, p.1560 PDF LINK
Elmaleh, A.; Zanda, B.; Hewins, R. H.; Göpel, C.; Fieni, C.; Pont, S.; Humayun, M. (09/2012) PDF LINK
The Provenances of Asteroids, and Their Contributions to the Volatile Inventories of the Terrestrial Planets
C. M. O’D. Alexander, R. Bowden, M. L. Fogel, K. T. Howard, C. D. K. Herd, L. R. Nittler Published Online July 12 2012 Science 10 August 2012: Vol. 337 no. 6095 pp. 721-723 DOI:…
The Murchison Meteorite Story
John Lovering describes his excitement at seeing the Murchison meteorite and its scientific significance. VIDEO (MP4) Transcript: This particular fragment is one of the pieces of the Murchison meteorite that fell in Victoria in 1969….
Establishing a molecular relationship between chondritic and cometary organic solids
George D. Cody, Emily Heying, Conel M. O. Alexander, Larry R. Nittler, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Scott A. Sandford and Rhonda M. Stroud PNAS 2011 108 (48) 19171-19176; published ahead of print April 4, 2011,…