SIMS Oxygen Isotope Study of Chondrules in the Least Metamorphosed CV3 Chondrite Kaba
Hertwig A. * Defouilloy C. Kita N. T. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6472 LINK
Oxygen Isotopes in Chondrules from the Murchison CM2 Chondrite and Evidence for a CO-CM Link
Chaumard N. * Defouilloy C. Kita N. T. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) [#6408] LINK
What do We Know About Elemental Bulk Chondrule Compositions? Presenting the ChondriteDB Database
Hezel D. C. * Harak M. Libourel G. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) [#6132] LINK
Non Destructive IR Micro-Imaging of Whole Grains of the Paris Meteorite
Dionnet Z. * Aleon-Toppani A. Borondics F. Brunetto R. Djouadi Z. Troadec D. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) [#6130] LINK
Expected Geochemical and Mineralogical Properties of Meteorites from Mercury:Inferences from MESSENGER Data
McCubbin F. M. * McCoy T. J. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) [#6242] LINK
Do We have Meteorites from the Veritas Asteroid Break-Up Event 8 Ma ago?
Meier M. M. M. * Grimm S. Maden C. Busemann H. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) [#6291] LINK
El Médano 301: A New Forsterite Chondrite
Pourkhorsandi H. Gattacceca J. Devouard B. D’Orazio M. Rochette P. Beck P. Valenzuela M. Sonzogni C. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6176 abstract
U-Pb Age of the Ungrouped Achondrite NWA 8486
Cartwright J. A. * Amelin Y. Koefoed P. Wadhwa M. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6231 abstract
New Insights in Preservation of Meteorites in Hot Deserts: The Oldest Hot Desert Meteorite Collection.
Hutzler A. Rochette P. Bourlès D. Gattacceca J. Merchel S. Jull A. J. T. Valenzuela M. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6159 abstract
Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Komar Gaon Meteorite Measured in a New Low-Background Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Facility, GeMSE
Rosén Å. V. von Sivers M. Hofmann B. A. Schumann M. Pathak D. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6398 abstract
Search and Recover of Antarctic Meteorites from Lomonosov Mountains, Queen Maud Land by the First Russian Meteorite Expedition
Larionov M. Yu. Grokhovsky V. I. Kolunin R. N. Pastukhovich A. Yu. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6369 abstract
A Stranger in the Midst: Searching for Relict Grains from Rare Meteorite Types in Mid-Ordovician Limestone Strata
Martin E. Schmitz B. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6281 abstract
Fe-57 Mössbauer Study of the Murrili Ordinary Chondrite
Cadogan J. M. Bland P. A. Benedix G. K. Towner M. C. Sansom E. K. Devillepoix H. Howie R. M. Paxman J. P. Cupak M. Cox M. A. Jansen-Sturgeon T. Stuart D. Strangway D. 79th…
Density, Porosity and Magnetic Susceptibility of the Murrili Meteorite Recovered by the Desert Fireball Network
Macke R. J. SJ Wiggins S. Britt D. T. Benedix G. K. Bland P. A. Desert Fireball Network Team 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6147 abstract
Sidi Ali Ou Azza (L4): A New Moroccan Fall
Chennaoui Aoudjehane H. Agee C. B. Aaranson A. Bouragaa 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6120 abstract
Cosmogenic and Trapped Noble Gases from Csátalja H4-5
Pető M. K. Ott U. Lugaro M. Benkó Z. Nagy D. Pécskay Z. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6495 abstract
The Stubenberg (Bavaria) Ordinary Chondrite Breccia: The Latest German Meteorite Fall
Ebert S., Bischoff A. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6137 abstract
Fall, Petrology, Classification, Noble Gas and Cosmogenic Records of Komar Gaon Meteorite, the Latest Fall in India
Ray D. * Mahajan R. R. Shukla A. D. Goswami T. K. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6071 abstract
Mineralogy and Petrology of the Murrili Meteorite
Benedix G. K. * Forman L. V. Daly L. Greenwood R. C. Franchi I. A. Friedrich J. M. Meier M. M. M. Maden C. Busemann H. Welten K. C. Caffee M. W. Bland P. A….
Pre-Entry Size and Cosmic History of the Annama Meteorite
Kohout T. * Meier M. M. M. Maden C. Busemann H. Welten K. C. Laubenstein M. Caffee M. W. Gritsevich M. Grokhovsky V. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6316 abstract
Fall and Recovery of the Murrili Meteorite, and an Update on the Desert Fireball Network
Bland P. A. * Towner M. C. Sansom E. K. Devillepoix H. Howie R. M. Paxman J. P. Cupak M. Benedix G. K. Cox M. A. Jansen-Sturgeon T. Stuart D. Strangway D. 79th Annual Meeting…
Two very Precisely Instrumentally Documented Meteorite Falls: Zdar nad Sazavou and Stubenberg – Prediction and Reality
Spurny P. * Borovicka J. Haloda J. Shrbeny L. Heinlein D. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) #6221 abstract
A new type of solar-system material recovered from Ordovician marine limestoneOPEN ACCESS
B. Schmitz, Q. -Z. Yin, M. E. Sanborn,M. Tassinari,C. E. Caplan & G. R. Huss Nature Communications 7, Article number:ncomms11851 doi:10.1038/ncomms11851 Published 14 June 2016 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “From mid-Ordovician ~470 Myr-old limestone…
Shock synthesis of quasicrystals with implications for their origin in asteroid collisions
Paul D. Asimow, Chaney Lin, Luca Bindi, Chi Ma, Oliver Tschauner, Lincoln S. Hollister, and Paul J. Steinhardt PNAS2016 ; published ahead of print June 13, 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1600321113 LINK “Significance The singular occurrence, to date,…
On the iron isotope composition of Mars and volatile depletion in the terrestrial planets
Paolo A. Sossi, Oliver Nebel, Mahesh Anand, Franck Poitrasson Earth and Planetary Science Letters In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 8 June 2016 LINK “Iron is the most abundant multivalent element in planetary reservoirs, meaning…
Reflectance spectroscopy of oxalate minerals and relevance to solar system carbon inventories
Daniel M. Applin, Matthew R.M. Izawa, Edward A. Cloutis Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 June 2016 LINK “The diversity of oxalate formation mechanisms suggests that significant concentrations of oxalic acid and oxalate…
The Collisional Evolution of Undifferentiated Asteroids and the Formation of Chondritic Meteoroids
E. Beitz, J. Blum, M. G. Parisi, and J. Trigo-Rodriguez The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 824, Number 1 Published 2016 June 3 LINK “Most meteorites are fragments from recent collisions experienced in the asteroid belt. In…
CV and CM Chondrite Impact Melts
Nicole G. Lunning, Catherine M. Corrigan, Harry Y. McSween, Travis J. Tenner, Noriko T. Kita, Robert. J. Bodnar Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 3 June 2016 LINK “Volatile-rich and typically…
An asteroidal origin for water in the MoonOPEN ACCESS
Jessica J. Barnes, David A. Kring, Romain Tartèse, Ian A. Franchi, Mahesh Anand & Sara S. Russell Nature Communications7, Article number:11684 doi:10.1038/ncomms11684 Published 31 May 2016 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The Apollo-derived tenet of an anhydrous…
Enantiomer excesses of rare and common sugar derivatives in carbonaceous meteorites
George Cooper and Andro C. Rios PNAS2016 ; published ahead of print May 31, 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1603030113 LINK “Significance The majority of biological sugars and their derivatives contain higher abundances of the “d” mirror-image forms relative…
Erratum to “Reassessing the cooling rate and geologic setting of Martian meteorites MIL 03346 and NWA 817” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 182 (2016) 1–23]
Erratum to “Reassessing the cooling rate and geologic setting of Martian meteorites MIL 03346 and NWA 817” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 182 (2016) 1–23] Frank Richter, Marc Chaussidon, Ruslan Mendybaev, Edwin Kite Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta…
Prebiotic chemicals—amino acid and phosphorus—in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Kathrin Altwegg, Hans Balsiger, Akiva Bar-Nun, Jean-Jacques Berthelier, Andre Bieler, Peter Bochsler, Christelle Briois, Ursina Calmonte, Michael R. Combi, Hervé Cottin, Johan De Keyser, Frederik Dhooghe, Bjorn Fiethe, Stephen A. Fuselier, Sébastien Gasc, Tamas I….
Influence of mineralogy on the preservation of amino acids under simulated Mars conditionsOPEN ACCESS
Renato dos Santos, Manish Patel, Javier Cuadros, Zita Martins Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 May 2016 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The detection of organic molecules associated with life on Mars is one of…
Searching for calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in cometary particles with Rosetta/COSIMA.
Paquette, J. A., Engrand, C., Stenzel, O., Hilchenbach, M., Kissel, J. and the COSIMA Team Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12669 LINK “The calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) found in chondritic meteorites are probably the oldest solar…
Siderophile element systematics of IAB complex iron meteorites: New insights into the formation of an enigmatic group
Emily A. Worsham, Katherine R. Bermingham, Richard J. Walker Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 21 May 2016 LINK “Siderophile trace element abundances and the 187Re-187Os isotopic systematics of the metal…
Ca–Al-rich inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites: the oldest solar system objects
M.A. Ivanova Geochemistry International May 2016, Volume 54, Issue 5, pp 387-402 First online: 22 May 2016 LINK “This paper presents a review of recent available data on the first solid condensates of the Solar…
The meteoritic origin of Tutankhamun’s iron dagger blade.
Comelli, D., D’orazio, M., Folco, L., El-Halwagy, M., Frizzi, T., Alberti, R., Capogrosso, V., Elnaggar, A., Hassan, H., Nevin, A., Porcelli, F., Rashed, M. G. and Valentini, G. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12664 LINK…
Chemical Complementarity between the Gas Phase of the Interstellar Medium and the Rocky Material of Our Planetary SystemOPEN ACCESS
Haiyang Wang (RSAA, The Australian National University), Charles H. Lineweaver (RSAA, RSES, The Australian National University) Accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 15th Australian Space Research Conference PDF (OPEN ACCESS) abstract “We…
Production and Recoil Loss of Cosmogenic Nuclides in Presolar Grains
Reto Trappitsch and Ingo Leya Published 2016 May 16 The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 823, Number 1 LINK “Presolar grains are small particles that condensed in the vicinity of dying stars. Some of these grains survived…
A link between oxygen, calcium and titanium isotopes in 26Al-depleted hibonite-rich CAIs from Murchison and implications for the heterogeneity of dust reservoirs in the solar nebula
Levke Kööp, Andrew M. Davis, Daisuke Nakashima, Changkun Park, Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Travis J. Tenner, Philipp R. Heck, Noriko T. Kita Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 13 May…
The abundance and isotopic composition of water in eucrites.OPEN ACCESS
Barrett, T. J., Barnes, J. J., Tartèse, R., Anand, M., Franchi, I. A., Greenwood, R. C., Charlier, B. L. A. and Grady, M. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12649 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN…
Nanomorphology of Itokawa regolith particles:Application to space-weathering processes affecting the Itokawa asteroid
Toru Matsumoto, Akira Tsuchiama, Kentaro Uesugi, Tsukasa Nakano, Masayuki Uesugi, Junya Matsuno, Takashi Nagano, Akira Shimada, Akihisa Takeuchi, Yoshio Suzuki, Tomoki Nakamura, Michihiko Nakamura, Arnold Gucsik, Keita Nagaki, Tatsuhiro Sakaiya, Tadashi Kondo Geochimica et Cosmochimica…
The effect of site geometry, Ti content and Ti oxidation state on the Ti K-edge XANES spectrum of synthetic hibonite
P.M. Doyle, A.J. Berry, P.F. Schofield, J.F.W. Mosselmans Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 12 May 2016 LINK “The Al-rich oxide hibonite (CaAl12O19) is modelled to be the second mineral to…
Effect of chlorine on near-liquidus crystallization of olivine-phyric shergottite NWA 6234 at 1 GPa: Implication for volatile-induced melting of the Martian mantle.
Farcy, B. J., Gross, J., Carpenter, P., Hicks, J. and Filiberto, J. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12662 LINK “Martian magmas are thought to be rich in chlorine compared with their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we…
Igneous cooling history of olivine-phyric shergottite Yamato 980459 constrained by dynamic crystallization experiments.
First, E. and Hammer, J. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12659 Article first published online: 10 MAY 2016 LINK “Dynamic crystallization experiments were performed on a liquid having the bulk composition of olivine-phyric shergottite Yamato…
Photostimulated luminescence applicable to pre-screening of potassium-rich phases in chondritic breccias
Tatsunori Yokoyama, Keiji Misawa, Osamu Okano, Haruka Minowa, Takaaki Fukuoka Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry pp 1-9 First online: 10 May 2016 LINK “The identification of alkali-rich components in extraterrestrial materials along with their…
Elephant Moraine 96029, a very mildly aqueously altered and heated CM carbonaceous chondrite: implications for the drivers of parent body processingOPEN ACCESS
Martin R. Lee, Paula Lindgren, Ashley J. King, Richard C. Greenwood, Ian A. Franchi, Robert Sparkes Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 10 May 2016 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)…
Effect of parent body evolution on equilibrium and kinetic isotope fractionation: a combined Ni and Fe isotope study of iron and stony-iron meteorites
Stepan M. Chernonozhkin, Steven Goderis, Marta Costas-Rodríguez, Philippe Claeys, Frank Vanhaecke Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 9 May 2016 LINK “Various iron and stony-iron meteorites have been characterized for their…
Cosmic-ray exposure ages of chondrules.
Roth, A. S. G., Metzler, K., Baumgartner, L. P. and Leya, I. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12658 Article first published online: 9 MAY 2016 LINK “If chondrules were exposed to cosmic rays prior to…
Petrology and oxygen isotopic compositions of clasts in HED polymict breccia NWA 5232.
van Drongelen, K. D., Rumble, D. and Tait, K. T. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12651 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 5232, an 18.5 kg polymict eucrite, comprises eucritic and exogenic CM carbonaceous chondrite clasts within…
Petrogenesis of the Northwest Africa 4898 high-Al mare basalt.
Li, S., Hsu, W., Guan, Y., Wang, L. and Wang, Y. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12663 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 4898 is the only low-Ti, high-Al basaltic lunar meteorite yet recognized. It predominantly consists…
The chlorine isotopic composition of Martian meteorites 1: Chlorine isotope composition of Martian mantle and crustal reservoirs and their interactions.
Williams, J. T., Shearer, C. K., Sharp, Z. D., Burger, P. V., McCubbin, F. M., Santos, A. R., Agee, C. B. and McKeegan, K. D. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12647 LINK “The Martian meteorites…
A new approach to cosmogenic corrections in 40Ar/39Ar chronometry: Implications for the ages of Martian meteorites
W.S. Cassata, L.E. Borg Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 May 2016 LINK “Anomalously old 40Ar/39Ar ages are commonly obtained from Shergottites and are generally attributed to uncertainties regarding the…
Compound chondrule formation via collision of supercooled dropletsOPEN ACCESS
Sota Arakawa, Taishi Nakamoto Updated May 6: PDF (open access) Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 3 May 2016 LINK “We present a novel model showing that compound chondrules are formed by collisions of…
Mineralogy of iron sulfides in CM1 and CI1 lithologies of the Kaidun breccia: Records of extreme to intense hydrothermal alteration
Harries, D. and Zolensky, M. E. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12648 LINK “The polymict Kaidun microbreccia contains lithologies of C-type chondrites with euhedral iron sulfide crystals of hydrothermal origin. Our FIB-TEM study reveals that…
Oxygen isotopic variations in the outer margins and Wark-Lovering rims of refractory inclusionsOPEN ACCESS
Justin I. Simon, Jennifer E.P. Matzel, Steven B. Simon, D. Kent Ross, Peter K. Weber, Lawrence Grossman Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 2 May 2016 LINK (open access) “Oxygen isotopic…
Corundum-hibonite inclusions and the environments of high temperature processing in the early solar system
Andrew W. Needham, Scott Messenger, Jangmi Han, Lindsay P. Keller Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 2 May 2016 LINK “Corundum-bearing Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are a rare class of high-temperature condensates…
Joegoldsteinite: A new sulfide mineral (MnCr2S4) from the Social Circle IVA iron meteorite
Junko Isa, Chi Ma, Alan E. Rubin American Mineralogist 10.2138/am-2016-5594 First Published on May 02, 2016 LINK “Joegoldsteinite, a new sulfide mineral of end-member formula MnCr2S4, was discovered in the Social Circle IVA iron meteorite….
Majindeite, Mg2Mo3O8, a new mineral from the Allende meteorite and a witness to post-crystallization oxidation of a Ca-Al-rich refractory inclusion
Chi Ma, John R. Beckett American Mineralogist 10.2138/am-2016-5399 First Published on May 02, 2016 LINK “Majindeite (IMA 2012-079), Mg2Mo3O8, is a new mineral, occurring as submicrometer-sized crystals with Ni-Fe and Ru-Os-Ir alloys, ± apatite and…
Aligned olivine in the Springwater pallasite.
Fowler-Gerace, N. A., Tait, K. T., Moser, D. E., Barker, I. and Tian, B. Y. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12650 LINK “The mechanism by which olivine grains became embedded within iron-nickel alloy in pallasite…
Highly siderophile and chalcogen element constraints on the origin of components of the Allende and Murchison meteorites.
Kadlag, Y. and Becker, H. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12653 LINK “187Re-187Os systematics, abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE: Re, PGE, and Au), chalcogen elements (Te, Se, and S), and some major and minor…
Differentiated impact melt sheets may be a potential source of Hadean detrital zircon
Gavin G. Kenny, Martin J. Whitehouse, Balz S. Kamber Geology DOI: 10.1130/G37898.1 First Published on April 28, 2016 LINK “Constraining the origin and history of very ancient detrital zircons has unique potential for furthering our…
Precise titanium isotope compositions of refractory inclusions in the Allende CV3 chondrite by LA-MC-ICPMS
C.D. Williams, , P.E. Janney1, R.R. Hines, M. Wadhwa Chemical Geology Volume 436, 15 October 2016, Pages 1–10 LINK “We present here analyses of mass-independent effects in the Ti isotope ratios of 17 coarse-grained (compact…
Origin of the eclogitic clasts with graphite-bearing and graphite-free lithologies in the Northwest Africa 801 (CR2) chondrite: Possible origin from a Moon-sized planetary body inferred from chemistry, oxygen isotopes and REE abundances
H. Hiyagon, N. Sugiura, N.T. Kita, M. Kimura, Y. Morishita, Y. Takehana Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 April 2016 LINK “In order to clarify the origin of the eclogitic…
Generating potassium abundance variations in the Solar Nebula
Alexander Hubbard Accepted for publication, ApJ PDF (open access) abstract “An intriguing aspect of chondritic meteorites is that they are complementary: while their separate components have wildly varying abundances, bulk chondrites have nearly solar composition….
Partitioning tungsten between matrix precursors and chondrule precursors through relative settling
Alexander Hubbard Accepted for publication, ApJ update (July 27): LINK PDF (open access) abstract “Recent studies of chondrites have found a tungsten isotopic anomaly between chondrules and matrix. Given the refractory nature of tungsten, this…
A note on cement in asteroids
G. Bilalbegovic accepted for publications in Icarus PDF (open access) abstract “Cement mineral tobermorite was formed in hydrothermal experiments on alternation of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Unidentified bands at 14 microns were…
New constraints on the relationship between 26Al and oxygen, calcium, and titanium isotopic variation in the early Solar System from a multielement isotopic study of spinel-hibonite inclusions
Levke Kööp, Daisuke Nakashima, Philipp R. Heck, Noriko T. Kita, Travis J. Tenner, Alexander N. Krot, Kazuhide Nagashima, Changkun Park, Andrew M. Davis Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Available online 20 April 2016 LINK…
The Gao-Guenie impact melt breccia—Sampling a rapidly cooled impact melt dike on an H chondrite asteroid?.
Schmieder, M., Kring, D. A., Swindle, T. D., Bond, J. C. and Moore, C. B. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12642 LINK “The Gao-Guenie H5 chondrite that fell on Burkina Faso (March 1960) has portions…
Heterogeneous distribution of H2O in the Martian interior: Implications for the abundance of H2O in depleted and enriched mantle sources.
McCubbin, F. M., Boyce, J. W., Srinivasan, P., Santos, A. R., Elardo, S. M., Filiberto, J., Steele, A. and Shearer, C. K. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12639 LINK “We conducted a petrologic study of…
New triple oxygen isotope data of bulk and separated fractions from SNC meteorites: Evidence for mantle homogeneity of Mars.
Ali, A., Jabeen, I., Gregory, D., Verish, R. and Banerjee, N. R. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12640 LINK “We report precise triple oxygen isotope data of bulk materials and separated fractions of several Shergotty–Nakhla–Chassigny…
Exsolution and shock microstructures of igneous pyroxene clasts in the Northwest Africa 7533 Martian meteorite.
Leroux, H., Jacob, D., Marinova, M., Hewins, R. H., Zanda, B., Pont, S., Lorand, J.-P. and Humayun, M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12637 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 7533 is a Martian regolith breccia. This…
Aqueous alteration of chondrules from the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite: Replacement, pore filling, and the genesis of polyhedral serpentine.
Lee, M. R. and Lindgren, P. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12644 LINK (open access) “Forsterite and clinoenstatite in type IAB chondrules from the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite have been partially serpentinized, and the mechanisms…
KABA (digital model)
KABA as digital model by the Department of Physical Geography and GIS, Debrecen Kaba as digital model Kaba as digital model 2 Kaba meteorite Kaba meteorite LINK
Electrical properties and porosity of the first meter of the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. As constrained by the Permittivity Probe SESAME-PP/Philae/Rosetta
Anthony Lethuillier, Alice Le Gall, Michel Hamelin, Walter Schmidt, Klaus J. Seidensticker, Réjean Grard, Valérie Ciarletti, Sylvain Caujolle-Bert, Hans-Herbert Fischer, Roland Trautner Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics PDF (open access) abstract “Comets are primitive objects,…
Molecular Asymmetry in Prebiotic Chemistry: An Account from MeteoritesOPEN ACCESS
Sandra Pizzarello Life2016, 6(2), 18; doi:10.3390/life6020018 Published: 13 April 2016 (This article belongs to the Special Issue The Emergence of Life: From Chemical Origins to Synthetic Biology) PDF (open access) abstract “Carbonaceous Chondrite (CC) meteorites…
Comparison of iron-bearing minerals in ordinary chondrites from H, L and LL groups using Mössbauer spectroscopy with a high velocity resolution
A.A. Maksimova, M.I. Oshtrakh, E.V. Petrova, V.I. Grokhovsky, V.A. Semionkin Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Volume 172, 5 February 2017, Pages 65-76 LINK “Ordinary chondrites from H, L and LL groups were…
Microstructural constraints on complex thermal histories of refractory CAI-like objects in an amoeboid olivine aggregate from the ALHA77307 CO3.0 chondrite
Jangmi Han, Adrian J. Brearley Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 12 April 2016 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.04.011 LINK “We have carried out a FIB/TEM study of refractory CAI-like objects in one AOA from…
Peculiarities in the formation of complex organic compounds in a nitrogen–methane atmosphere during hypervelocity impacts
M. A. Zaitsev , M. V. Gerasimov, E. N. Safonova, A. S. Vasiljeva Solar System Research March 2016, Volume 50, Issue 2, pp 113-129 First online: 12 April 2016 LINK “Results of the experiments on…
Mesoscale Modeling of Impact Compaction of Primitive Solar System Solids
Thomas M. Davison, Gareth S. Collins, and Philip A. Bland The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Number 1 Published 2016 April 11 LINK “We have developed a method for simulating the mesoscale compaction of early solar…
Formation and Recondensation of Complex Organic Molecules during Protostellar Luminosity Outbursts
Vianney Taquet, Eva S. Wirström, and Steven B. Charnley The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Number 1 LINK “During the formation of stars, the accretion of surrounding material toward the central object is thought to undergo…
Ribose and related sugars from ultraviolet irradiation of interstellar ice analogs
Cornelia Meinert, Iuliia Myrgorodska, Pierre de Marcellus, Thomas Buhse, Laurent Nahon, Søren V. Hoffmann, Louis Le Sergeant d’Hendecourt, Uwe J. Meierhenrich Science 08 Apr 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6282, pp. 208-212 DOI: 10.1126/science.aad8137 LINK “Ribose…
Scattering Mössbauer studies of weathered and unweathered Mexican iron meteorites
Raúl W. Gómez, Vivianne Marquina Meteorites Vol. 4, Nos. 1–2, 2016, 5–10 DOI 10.5277/met160101 PDF (open access) “Non-destructive Mössbauer spectra (MS) of a series of nine Mexican iron meteorites belonging to the collection of…
Identification and Discrimination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Raman Spectroscopy
Edward Cloutis, Paul Szymanski, Daniel Applin, Douglas Goltz Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 April 2016 LINK “Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely present throughout the solar system and beyond. They have been…
Chromium, vanadium, and titanium valence systematics in Solar System pyroxene as a recorder of oxygen fugacity, planetary provenance, and processes
James J. Papike, Steven B. Simon, Paul V. Burger, Aaron S. Bell, Charles K. Shearer and James M. Karner American Mineralogist doi: 10.2138/am-2016-5507 v. 101 no. 4 p. 907-918 LINK “Pyroxene is arguably the most…
In situ observation, X–ray diffraction and Raman analyses of carbon minerals in ureilites: Origin and formation mechanisms of diamond in ureilitesOPEN ACCESS
Yoshihiro NAKAMUTA, Fumio KITAJIMA, Kazuhiko SHIMADA Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbon minerals in sixteen monomict ureilites which are variable in shock features in olivine were observed in situ by optical…
U-Pb and Al-Mg systematics of the ungrouped achondrite Northwest Africa 7325
Piers Koefoed, Yuri Amelin, Qing-Zhu Yin, Josh Wimpenny, Matthew E. Sanborn, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Anthony J. Irving Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 1 April 2016 LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 7325 is…
‘Kati Thanda (Lake Eyre South)’ fall officially registered as MURRILI
Murrili is officially registered in the Meteoritical Bulletin Murrili “Murrili 29.26089°S, 137.53765°E South Australia, Australia Confirmed fall: 2015 Nov 27 Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H5) History: The Murrili fireball was imaged by observatories of the Desert…
Komar Gaon (L6) is officially registered
Komar Gaon is officially registered in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database Komar Gaon “Komar Gaon 26°37’56.9884″N, 93°46’11.5115″E Assam, India Confirmed fall: 13 Nov 2015 Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6) History: On November 13, 2015, at 12:00 pm…
El Médano 301 classified as ‘ungrouped chondrite’
El Médano 301 classified as ungrouped chondrite with affinities to NWA 7135 LINK “El Médano 301 ~24°51’S, ~70°32’W Antofagasta, Chile Find: 2013 Nov 09 Classification: Ungrouped chondrite History: A single stone was found in the…
The Role of Ultrahigh Resolution Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FT-MS) in Astrobiology-Related Research: Analysis of Meteorites and TholinsOPEN ACCESS
Árpád Somogyi, Roland Thissen, Francois-Régis Orthous-Daunay, Véronique Vuitton Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17(4), 439; doi:10.3390/ijms17040439 PDF (open access) abstract “It is an important but also a challenging analytical problem to understand the chemical composition…
Geochemistry of the lunar highlands as revealed by measurements of thermal neutrons
Patrick N. Peplowski, Andrew W. Beck, David J. Lawrence Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 10.1002/2015JE004950 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Thermal neutron emissions from the lunar surface provide a direct measure of bulk elemental composition that can…
Formation of the Treysa quintet and the main-group pallasites by impact-generated processes in the IIIAB asteroid.
Wasson, J. T. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12635 LINK “Treysa and Delegate have compositions closely similar to those of IIIAB irons but plot above the IIIAB field on Ir-Au diagrams; for this reason they…
The two Suvasvesi impact structures, Finland: Argon isotopic evidence for a “false” impact crater doublet.
Schmieder, M., Schwarz, W. H., Trieloff, M., Buchner, E., Hopp, J., Tohver, E., Pesonen, L. J., Lehtinen, M., Moilanen, J., Werner, S. C. and Öhman, T. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12636 LINK “The two…
Multiple precursors of secondary mineralogical assemblages in CM chondrites.
Pignatelli, I., Marrocchi, Y., Vacher, Lionel. G., Delon, R. and Gounelle, M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12625 LINK “We report a petrographic and mineralogical survey of tochilinite/cronstedtite intergrowths (TCIs) in Paris, a new CM…
Temperature dependent grain growth of forsterite–nickel mixtures: Implications for grain growth in two-phase systems and applications to the H-chondrite parent body
J. Guignard, M.J. Toplis, M. Bystricky, M. Monnereau Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 443, 1 June 2016, Pages 20–31 LINK “Grain growth experiments in the system forsterite (Fo) + nickel (Ni) have been performed…
Microchondrules in two unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: Evidence for formation by splattering from chondrules during stochastic collisions in the solar nebula
E. Dobrică and A. J. Brearley Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12633 LINK “The diversity of silicate, glassy spherules analogous to chondrules, called microchondrules, and the implications for their presence in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs)…
Rare earth element measurements and mapping of minerals in the Allende CAI, 7R19-1, by NanoSIMS ion microprobe.
Ito, M. and Messenger, S. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12623 LINK “We have established analytical procedures for quantitative rare earth element (REE) measurements by NanoSIMS 50L ion microprobe with 2–10 μm spatial resolution. Measurements…
Microstructural analysis of Wark-Lovering rims in the Allende and Axtell CV3 chondrites: Implications for high-temperature nebular processes.
Bolser, D., Zega, T. J., Asaduzzaman, A., Bringuier, S., Simon, S. B., Grossman, L., Thompson, M. S. and Domanik, K. J. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12620 LINK “A coordinated, electron-backscatter-diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron…
A contamination assessment of the CI carbonaceous meteorite Orgueil using a DNA-directed approach.
Aerts, J. W., Elsaesser, A., Röling, W. F. M. and Ehrenfreund, P. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12629 LINK “The Orgueil meteorite has become one of the most well-studied carbonaceous meteorites, after it fell in…
STUBENBERG – Fall (LL6) in Bavaria, Germany on 6 March 2016 at 9:36:51-56 p.m. UTC
An updated and extended version of this post has been established on this page: STUBENBERG Last update: 31 May 2017 The Stubenberg meteorite—An LL6 chondrite fragmental breccia recovered soon after precise prediction of the strewn…
Meteorites found on Misfits Flat dry lake, Nevada.
Harlan, S., Jenniskens, P., Zolensky, M. E., Yin, Q.-Z., Verosub, K. L., Rowland, D. J., Sanborn, M., Huyskens, M., Creager, E. R., Jull, A. J. T. and (The Misfits Flat Meteorite Consortium) Meteoritics & Planetary…
X-ray computed tomography imaging: A not-so-nondestructive technique.
Sears, D. W. G., Sears, H., Ebel, D. S., Wallace, S. and Friedrich, J. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12622 LINK “X-ray computed tomography has become a popular means for examining the interiors of…
Insights into chondrule formation process and shock-thermal history of the Dergaon chondrite (H4-5)
D. Ray, S. Ghosh, T.K. Goswami, M.J. Jobin Geoscience Frontiers Available online 15 March 2016 In Press, Corrected Proof LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “The Dergaon fall represents a shock-melted H4-5 (S5) ordinary chondrite which includes at…
The stable Cr isotopic compositions of chondrites and silicate planetary reservoirs
Ronny Schoenberg, Alexandra Merdian, Chris Holmden, Ilka C. Kleinhanns, Kathrin Haßler, Martin Wille, Elmar Reitter Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 March 2016 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.03.013 LINK “The depletion of chromium in…
Mineralogy and Geology of asteroid (4) Vesta from Dawn Framing Camera
Guneshwar Thangjam PhD Thesis, Clausthal University of Technology, 2015 PDF (open access) abstract “This thesis presents insights into the surface compositional heterogeneity and geology of asteroid Vesta. Lithologic mapping using Framing Camera onboard the NASA…
Cosmogenic Effects on Cu Isotopes in IVB Iron Meteorites
Heng Chen, Frédéric Moynier, Munir Humayun, Matthew C. Bishop, Jeffrey T. Williams Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 10 March 2016 abstract “We measured Cu isotope compositions of 12 out of…
Constraints on the water, chlorine, and fluorine content of the Martian mantle.
Filiberto, J., Gross, J. and McCubbin, F. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12624 abstract “Previous estimates of the volatile contents of Martian basalts, and hence their source regions, ranged from nearly volatile-free through estimates…
Cluster analysis on the bulk elemental compositions of Antarctic stony meteorites.
Miyamoto, H., Niihara, T., Kuritani, T., Hong, P. K., Dohm, J. M. and Sugita, S. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12634 abstract “Remote sensing observations by recent successful missions to small bodies have revealed the…
Ferromagnetism and particle collisions: applications to protoplanetary disks and the meteoritical record
Alexander Hubbard accepted, ApJ update (July 27): LINK PDF (open access) abstract “The meteoritical record shows both iron partitioning and tungsten isotopic partitioning between matrix and chondrules. Tungsten is not abundant enough to have driven…
Northwest Africa 5958: A weakly altered CM-related ungrouped chondrite, not a CI3.OPEN ACCESS
Jacquet, E., Barrat, J.-A., Beck, P., Caste, F., Gattacceca, J., Sonzogni, C. and Gounelle, M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12628 Update (20 Feb 2017): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Northwest Africa (NWA) 5958 is a…
The effect of multiple particle sizes on cooling rates of chondrules produced in large-scale shocks in the solar nebula.
Morris, M. A., Weidenschilling, S. J. and Desch, S. J. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12631 LINK updated (14 March): PDF (open access) “Chondrules represent one of the best probes of the physical conditions and…
Effects of dust enrichment on oxygen fugacity of cosmic gases.
Fedkin, A. V. and Grossman, L. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12627 LINK “The degree to which dust enrichment enhances the oxygen fugacity (fO2) of a system otherwise solar in composition depends on the dust…
Major and trace element geochemistry of S-type cosmic spherules.
Rudraswami, N. G., Shyam Prasad, M., Babu, E. V. S. S. K. and Vijaya Kumar, T. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12618 LINK “Micrometeorites that pass through the Earth’s atmosphere undergo changes in their chemical…
Pallasite paleomagnetism: Quiescence of a core dynamo
Claire I.O. Nichols, James F.J. Bryson, Julia Herrero-Albillos, Florian Kronast, Francis Nimmo, Richard J. Harrison Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 441, 1 May 2016, Pages 103–112 Available online 9 March 2016 LINK (open access)…
Mercury (Hg) in meteorites: variations in abundance, thermal release profile, mass-dependent and mass-independent isotopic fractionation
Matthias M. M. Meier, Christophe Cloquet, Bernard Marty Accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta PDF (open access) abstract “We have measured the concentration, isotopic composition and thermal release profiles of Mercury (Hg) in…
Cold curation of pristine astromaterials: Insights from the Tagish Lake meteorite
Christopher D. K. Herd, Robert W. Hilts, Aaron W. Skelhorne and Danielle N. Simkus Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12603 Article first published online: 7 MAR 2016 LINK “The curation and handling of volatile-bearing astromaterials…
Origin of uranium isotope variations in early solar nebula condensates
By François L. H. Tissot, Nicolas Dauphas, Lawrence Grossman Science Advances 04 Mar 2016: Vol. 2, no. 3, e1501400 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501400 PDF (open access) abstract Supplementary Materials (PDF) “High-temperature condensates found in meteorites display uranium…
Mesoscale Modeling of Impact Compaction of Primitive Solar System Solids
Thomas M Davison, Gareth S Collins, Philip A Bland Accepted for publication in ApJ (Submitted on 1 Mar 2016) PDF (open access) abstract “We have developed a method for simulating the mesoscale compaction of early…
Forming Chondrites in a Solar Nebula with Magnetically Induced Turbulence
Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Neal J. Turner, Joseph Masiero, Shigeru Wakita, Yuji Matsumoto, Shoichi Oshino Updated (16 March 2016): abstract Yasuhiro Hasegawa et al 2016 ApJ 820 L12 PDF (open access) abstract “Chondritic meteorites provide valuable opportunities…
Associations of organic matter with minerals in Tagish Lake meteorite via high spatial resolution synchrotron-based FTIR microspectroscopy.
Yesiltas, M. and Kebukawa, Y. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12609 LINK “We have investigated spatial and spectral associations between mineral species and organic matter in the Tagish Lake meteorite. Synchrotron-based infrared microspectroscopy allowed us…
Tungsten isotopic constraints on the age and origin of chondrules
Gerrit Budde, Thorsten Kleine, Thomas S. Kruijer, Christoph Burkhardt, and Knut Metzler PNAS2016 ; published ahead of print February 29, 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1524980113 LINK “Significance The origin of chondrules—millimeter-sized silicate-rich spherules that dominate the most primitive…
Refractory and semi-volatile organics at the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Insights from the VIRTIS/ROSETTA Imaging Spectrometer
E. Quirico, L.V. Moroz, B. Schmitt, G. Arnold, M. Faure, P. Beck, L. Bonal, M. Ciarniello, F. Capaccioni, G. Filacchione, S. Erard, C. Leyrat, D. Bockelée-Morvan, A. Zinzi, E. Palomba, P. Drossart, F. Tosi, M.T….
Reassessing the Cooling Rate and Geologic Setting of Martian Meteorites MIL 03346 and NWA 817
Frank Richter, Marc Chaussidon, Ruslan Mendybaev, Edwin Kite Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 February 2016 LINK “Lithium concentration and isotopic fractionation profiles across augite grains from two Martian meteorites…
Re-analysis of previous laboratory phase curves: 2. Connections between opposition effect morphology and spectral features of stony meteorites
Estelle Déau, Linda J. Spilker, Alberto Flandes Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 26 February 2016 LINK “We investigate connections between the opposition phase curves and the spectra from ultraviolet to near infrared wavelengths…
Meteorites of bolide on February 17 at ~ 9:44:11 pm CST (UTC-6) have been found near Crosbyton, west of Lubbock, Texas, USA (updated: Feb. 29)
Last update (Feb. 29) On February 29, 2016 Sonny Clary reported on his website * that Terry Scott and himself had found a 36.1 gram specimen in a cotton field near Crosbyton, Texas (~ 33°39’34.3″N…
Exploring the Origins of Deuterium Enrichments in Solar Nebular Organics
L. Ilsedore Cleeves, Edwin A. Bergin, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Fujun Du, Dawn Graninger, Karin I. Öberg, and Tim J. Harries Astrophysical Journal, Volume 819, Number 1 Published 2016 February 23 LINK “Deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) enrichments…
Revisiting the lifetime estimate of large presolar grains in the interstellar medium
Hiroyuki Hirashita, Takaya Nozawa, Ryosuke S. Asano, Typhoon Lee Planetary and Space Science In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 22 February 2016 doi:10.1016/j.pss.2016.02.006 updated (Feb. 24) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK “Some very large View the…
Oxygen isotopes in the early protoplanetary disk inferred from pyroxene in a classical type B CAI
Jérôme Aléon Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 440, 15 April 2016, Pages 62–70 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.007 LINK “A major unanswered question in solar system formation is the origin of the oxygen isotopic dichotomy between the Sun…
Structural Characterization of Iron Meteorites through Neutron Tomography
Stefano Caporali, Francesco Grazzi, Filomena Salvemini, Ulf Garbe, Steven Peetermans and Giovanni Pratesi Minerals 2016, 6(1), 14; doi:10.3390/min6010014 Published: 19 February 2016 PDF (open access) abstract “In this communication, we demonstrate the use of neutron…
Correlations and zoning patterns of phosphorus and chromium in olivine from H chondrites and the LL chondrite Semarkona
McCanta, M. C., Beckett, J. R. and Stolper, E. M. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12604 LINK “Phosphorus zoning is observed in olivines in high-FeO (type IIA) chondrules in H chondrites over the entire range…
Investigations of Al-Dalang and Al-Hawashat meteorites
A. M. Gismelseed , S. B. Abdallah, A. D. Al-Rawas, F. N. Al-Mabsali, H. M. Widatallah, M. E. Elzain, A. A. Yousif, T. Ericsson, H. Annersten Hyperfine Interactions December 2016, 237:14 First online: 18 February…
Characterization of Mason Gully (H5): The second recovered fall from the Desert Fireball Network
Dyl, K. A., Benedix, G. K., Bland, P. A., Friedrich, J. M., Spurný, P., Towner, M. C., O’Keefe, M. C., Howard, K., Greenwood, R., Macke, R. J., Britt, D. T., Halfpenny, A., Thostenson, J. O.,…
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic and REE studies of igneous components in the bulk matrix domain of Martian breccia Northwest Africa 7034
Nyquist, L. E., Shih, C.-Y., McCubbin, F. M., Santos, A. R., Shearer, C. K., Peng, Z. X., Burger, P. V. and Agee, C. B. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12606 LINK “The bulk matrix domain…
Description of a very dense meteorite collection area in western Atacama: Insight into the long-term composition of the meteorite flux to Earth.
Hutzler, A., Gattacceca, J., Rochette, P., Braucher, R., Carro, B., Christensen, E. J., Cournede, C., Gounelle, M., Laridhi Ouazaa, N., Martinez, R., Valenzuela, M., Warner, M. and Bourles, D. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12607…
A potential hidden layer of meteorites below the ice surface of AntarcticaOPEN ACCESS
G. W. Evatt, M. J. Coughlan, K. H. Joy, A. R. D. Smedley, P. J. Connolly, I. D. Abrahams PDF (open access) Supplementary Notes and References (PDF) Nature Communications 7, Article number: 10679 doi:10.1038/ncomms10679 Published…
Aqueous Corrosion of Olivine in the Mars Meteorite Miller Range (MIL) 03346 During Antarctic Weathering: Implications for Water on Mars
Michael A. Velbel Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 15 February 2016 LINK “Several nakhlites (clinopyroxenite meteorites from Mars) contain olivine phenocrysts with corrosion features identical in size, shape and distribution…
OSCEOLA – First six meteorites of the fall on January 24 at 10.30 am EST in Northern Florida, USA have been found
UPDATE: April 2, 2016 Osceola was officially registered as L6 in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database on April 2, 2016 LINK “Osceola 30°27.16’N, 82°27.25’W Florida, USA Confirmed fall: 2016 Jan 24 Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6) History:…
Ni/S/Cl systematics and the origin of impact-melt glasses in Martian meteorite Elephant Moraine 79001
Schrader, C. M., Cohen, B. A., Donovan, J. J. and Vicenzi, E. P. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12612 LINK “Martian meteorite Elephant Moraine A79001 (EET 79001) has received considerable attention for the unusual composition…