Sodium carbonates on Ryugu as evidence of highly saline water in the outer Solar SystemOPEN ACCESS
Toru Matsumoto, Takaaki Noguchi, Akira Miyake, Yohei Igami, Megumi Matsumoto, Toru Yada, Masayuki Uesugi, Masahiro Yasutake, Kentaro Uesugi, Akihisa Takeuchi, Hayato Yuzawa, Takuji Ohigashi & Tohru Araki Nature Astronomy, Published: 18 November 2024 LINK (OPEN…
Mechanisms and timing of carbonaceous chondrite delivery to the EarthOPEN ACCESS
Francis Nimmo, Thorsten Kleine, Alessandro Morbidelli, David Nesvorny Accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 7 November 2024 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The nucleosynthetic isotope signatures of meteorites and the bulk silicate Earth (BSE)…
The evolution of amino acids under asteroidal aqueous alteration
Y.Y. He, S. Bernard, M. Lecasble, J.-C. Viennet, I. Criouet, D. Boulesteix, N. Khodorova, L. Delbes, M. Guillaumet, F. Baudin, B. Laurent, A. Buch, L. Remusat Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online…
Shock melt in the Cold Bokkeveld CM2 carbonaceous chondrite and the response of C-complex asteroids to hypervelocity impactsOPEN ACCESS
Martin R. Lee, Luke Daly, Jennika Greer, Sammy Griffin, Cameron J. Floyd, Levi Tegg, Julie Cairney MAPS, Version of Record online: 30 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Many of the CM carbonaceous chondrites…
Kinetic analysis of dehydration/dehydroxylation from carbonaceous chondrites by in situ heating experiments under an infrared microscopeOPEN ACCESS
Mengyan Zheng, Yoko Kebukawa, Yuka Hayashi, Kensei Kobayashi MAPS, Version of Record online: 30 August 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “CI, CM, and CR carbonaceous chondrites contain hydrous minerals, indicating that their parent bodies…
Gamma-Ray-Induced Synthesis of Sugars in Meteorite Parent BodiesOPEN ACCESS
Shunpei Abe, Isao Yoda, Kensei Kobayashi, and Yoko Kebukawa* ACS Earth and Space ChemistryAugust 15, 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Sugars play an indispensable role for all living organisms. Given that certain sugars have…
Ruthenium isotopes show the Chicxulub impactor was a carbonaceous-type asteroid
Mario Fischer-Gödde, Jonas Tusch, Steven Goderis, Alessandro Bragagni, Tanja Mohr-Westheide, Nils Messling, Bo-Magnus Elfers, Birger Schmitz, Wolf U. Reimold, Wolfgang D. Maier, Philippe Claeys, Christian Koeberl, François L. H. Tissot, Martin Bizzarro, and Carsten Münker…
Fast boulder fracturing by thermal fatigue detected on stony asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
A. Lucchetti, S. Cambioni, R. Nakano, O. S. Barnouin, M. Pajola, L. Penasa, F. Tusberti, K. T. Ramesh, E. Dotto, C. M. Ernst, R. T. Daly, E. Mazzotta Epifani, M. Hirabayashi, L. Parro, G. Poggiali,…
The evolution of organic material on Asteroid 162173 Ryugu and its delivery to EarthOPEN ACCESS
H. G. Changela, Y. Kebukawa, L. Petera, M. Ferus, E. Chatzitheodoridis, L. Nejdl, R. Nebel, V. Protiva, P. Krepelka, J. Moravcova, R. Holbova, Z. Hlavenkova, T. Samoril, J. C. Bridges, S. Yamashita, Y. Takahashi, T….
Primordial aqueous alteration recorded in water-soluble organic molecules from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) RyuguOPEN ACCESS
Yoshinori Takano, Hiroshi Naraoka, Jason P. Dworkin, Toshiki Koga, Kazunori Sasaki, Hajime Sato, Yasuhiro Oba, Nanako O. Ogawa, Toshihiro Yoshimura, Kenji Hamase, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Eric T. Parker, José C. Aponte, Daniel P. Glavin, Yoshihiro Furukawa,…
Source regions of carbonaceous meteorites and NEOsOPEN ACCESS
M. Brož, P. Vernazza, M. Marsset, R.P. Binzel, F. DeMeo, M. Birlan, Ch. Avdellidou, F. Colas, S. Anghel, S. Bouley, C. Blanpain, J. Gattacceca, S. Jeanne, L. Jorda, J. Lecubin, A. Malgoyre, A. Steinhausser, J….
The nucleosynthetic fingerprint of the outermost protoplanetary disk and early Solar System dynamicsOPEN ACCESS
Elishevah van Kooten, Xuchao Zhao, Ian Franchi, Po-Yen Tung, Simon Fairclough, John Walmsley, Isaac Onyett, Martin Schiller, and Martin Bizzarro Science Advances14 Jun 2024Vol 10, Issue 24 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Knowledge of the…
Abiotic formation of alkylsulfonic acids in interstellar analog ices and implications for their detection on RyuguOPEN ACCESS
Mason McAnally, Jana Bocková, Ashanie Herath, Andrew M. Turner, Cornelia Meinert & Ralf I. Kaiser Nature Communications, Volume 15, Article number: 4409, Published: 23 May 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “For the last century,…
Asteroid (101955) Bennu in the Laboratory: Properties of the Sample Collected by OSIRIS-RExOPEN ACCESS
Dante S. Lauretta, Harold C. Connolly, Jr., Joseph E. Aebersold, Conel M. O. D. Alexander, Ronald-L. Ballouz, Jessica J. Barnes, Helena C. Bates, Carina A. Bennett, Laurinne Blanche, Erika H. Blumenfeld, Simon J. Clemett, George…
Laser Irradiation of Carbonaceous Chondrite Simulants: Space Weathering Implications for C-complex AsteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Andy J. López-Oquendo, Mark J. Loeffler, David E. Trilling Submitted to PSJ PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (21 May 2024): The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 5LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Surfaces of carbonaceous asteroids…
Aqueous alteration in icy planetesimals: The effect of outward transport of gaseous hydrogenOPEN ACCESS
Takazo Shibuya, Yasuhito Sekine, Sakiko Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Kurokawa, Keisuke Fukushi, Tomoki Nakamura, Sei-ichiro Watanabe Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaAvailable online 28 March 2024 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites that initially contained metallic iron…
Analysis of layered boulders on asteroid (101955) Bennu and their implications for fluid flow on the parent bodyOPEN ACCESS
K. Ishimaru, D. S. Lauretta MAPS, Version of Record online: 14 December 2023 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “The observation of carbonate veins on asteroid Bennu supports the idea that large-scale water flow may have…
Prebiotic Vitamin B3 Synthesis in Carbonaceous PlanetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Klaus Paschek, Mijin Lee, Dmitry A. Semenov, Thomas K. Henning Accepted for publication in ChemPlusChem. PDF (OPEN ACCESS)Supporting Information “Aqueous chemistry within carbonaceous planetesimals is promising for synthesizing prebiotic organic matter essential to all life….
Chemical evolution of primordial salts and organic sulfur molecules in the asteroid 162173 RyuguOPEN ACCESS
Toshihiro Yoshimura, Yoshinori Takano, Hiroshi Naraoka, Toshiki Koga, Daisuke Araoka, Nanako O. Ogawa, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Norbert Hertkorn, Yasuhiro Oba, Jason P. Dworkin, José C. Aponte, Takaaki Yoshikawa, Satoru Tanaka, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Minako Hashiguchi, Hannah McLain,…
Curation planning and facilities for asteroid Bennu samples returned by the OSIRIS-REx mission
K. Righter, N. G. Lunning, K. Nakamura-Messenger, C. J. Snead, J. McQuillan, M. Calaway, K. Allums, M. Rodriguez, R. C. Funk, R. S. Harrington, W. Connelly, T. Cowden, J. P. Dworkin, C. C. Lorentson, S….
Uracil in the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) RyuguOPEN ACCESS
Yasuhiro Oba, Toshiki Koga, Yoshinori Takano, Nanako O. Ogawa, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Kazunori Sasaki, Hajime Sato, Daniel P. Glavin, Jason P. Dworkin, Hiroshi Naraoka, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Tomoki Nakamura, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Hikaru Yabuta,…
Insights into the formation and evolution of extraterrestrial amino acids from the asteroid RyuguOPEN ACCESS
Christian Potiszil, Tsutomu Ota, Masahiro Yamanaka, Chie Sakaguchi, Katsura Kobayashi, Ryoji Tanaka, Tak Kunihiro, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Masanao Abe, Akiko Miyazaki, Aiko Nakato, Satoru Nakazawa, Masahiro Nishimura, Tatsuaki Okada, Takanao Saiki, Satoshi Tanaka, Fuyuto Terui, Yuichi…
Compositions of Carbonaceous-Type Asteroidal Cores in the Early Solar System
Zhang B.* Chabot N. L. Rubin A. E. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract [#1606] Fractional-crystallization modeling of carbonaceous-type iron meteorites shows that the CAIs distribution in the protoplanetary disk (<1 Ma) was heterogeneous.
Early fluid activity on Ryugu inferred by isotopic analyses of carbonates and magnetite
Kaitlyn A. McCain, Nozomi Matsuda, Ming-Chang Liu, Kevin D. McKeegan, Akira Yamaguchi, Makoto Kimura, Naotaka Tomioka, Motoo Ito, Naoya Imae, Masayuki Uesugi, Naoki Shirai, Takuji Ohigashi, Richard C. Greenwood, Kentaro Uesugi, Aiko Nakato, Kasumi Yogata,…
Contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth’s volatile inventory by Cu and Zn isotopic analysis
Marine Paquet, Frederic Moynier, Tetsuya Yokoyama, Wei Dai, Yan Hu, Yoshinari Abe, Jérôme Aléon, Conel M. O’D. Alexander, Sachiko Amari, Yuri Amelin, Ken-ichi Bajo, Martin Bizzarro, Audrey Bouvier, Richard W. Carlson, Marc Chaussidon, Byeon-Gak Choi,…
Late delivery of exotic chromium to the crust of Mars by water-rich carbonaceous asteroidOPEN ACCESS
Ke Zhu, , Martin Schiller, Lu Pan, Nikitha Susan Saji, Kirsten K. Larsen, Elsa Amsellem, Courtney Rundhaug, Paolo Sossi, Ingo Leya, Frederic Moynier, and Martin Bizzarro Science Advances, 16 Nov 2022, Vol 8, Issue 46…
A pristine record of outer Solar System materials from asteroid Ryugu’s returned sampleOPEN ACCESS
Motoo Ito, Naotaka Tomioka, Masayuki Uesugi, Akira Yamaguchi, Naoki Shirai, Takuji Ohigashi, Ming-Chang Liu, Richard C. Greenwood, Makoto Kimura, Naoya Imae, Kentaro Uesugi, Aiko Nakato, Kasumi Yogata, Hayato Yuzawa, Yu Kodama, Akira Tsuchiyama, Masahiro Yasutake,…
Spacecraft sample collection and subsurface excavation of asteroid (101955) Bennu
D. S. Lauretta, C. D. Adam, A. J. Allen, R.-L. Ballouz, S. Barnouin, K. J. Becker, T. Becker, C. A. Bennett, E. B. Bierhaus, B. J. BosR. D. BurnsH. Campins, Y. Cho, P. R. Christensen,…
Low surface strength of the asteroid Bennu inferred from impact ejecta deposit
M. E. Perry, O. S. Barnouin, R. T. Daly, E. B. Bierhaus, R.-L. Ballouz, K. J. Walsh, M. G. Daly, D. N. DellaGiustina, M. C. Nolan, J. P. Emery, M. M. Al Asad, C. L….
Alignment of fractures on Bennu’s boulders indicative of rapid asteroid surface evolution
Marco Delbo, Kevin J. Walsh, Christophe Matonti, Justin Wilkerson, Maurizio Pajola, Manar M. Al Asad, Chrysa Avdellidou, Ronald-Louis Ballouz, Carina A. Bennett, Harold C. Connolly Jr., Daniella N. DellaGiustina, Dathon R. Golish, Jamie L. Molaro,…
The Nature of Low-Albedo Small Bodies from 3-μm Spectroscopy: One Group that Formed Within the Ammonia Snow Line and One that Formed Beyond ItOPEN ACCESS
Andrew S. Rivkin, Joshua P. Emery, Ellen S. Howell, Theodore Kareta, John W. Noonan, Matthew Richardson, Benjamin N. L. Sharkey, Amanda A. Sickafoose, Laura M. Woodney, Richard J. Cartwright, Sean Lindsay, Lucas T. Mcclure Accepted…
Ribose Synthesis in Carbonaceous PlanetesimalsOPEN ACCESS
Klaus Paschek, Kai Kohler, Ben K. D. Pearce, Kevin Lange, Thomas K. Henning, Oliver Trapp, Ralph E. Pudritz, and Dmitry A. Semenov Life 2022, 12(3), 404Published: 10 March 2022 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “The origin…
A Possible Explanation for the Blue Spectral Slope Observed on B-type AsteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Mark J. Loeffler, Beau S. Prince Accepted in Icarus on 6 January 2022 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (13 January 2022): LINK In an effort to better understand the role dark material plays in the reflectance…
Preliminary analysis of the Hayabusa2 samples returned from C-type asteroid RyuguOPEN ACCESS
Toru Yada, Masanao Abe, Tatsuaki Okada, Aiko Nakato, Kasumi Yogata, Akiko Miyazaki, Kentaro Hatakeda, Kazuya Kumagai, Masahiro Nishimura, Yuya Hitomi, Hiromichi Soejima, Miwa Yoshitake, Ayako Iwamae, Shizuho Furuya, Masayuki Uesugi, Yuzuru Karouji, Tomohiro Usui, Tasuku…
First compositional analysis of Ryugu samples by the MicrOmega hyperspectral microscopeOPEN ACCESS
C. Pilorget, T. Okada, V. Hamm, R. Brunetto, T. Yada, D. Loizeau, L. Riu, T. Usui, A. Moussi-Soffys, K. Hatakeda, A. Nakato, K. Yogata, M. Abe, A. Aléon-Toppani, J. Carter, M. Chaigneau, B. Crane, B….
Meteorites and the RNA world: Synthesis of Nucleobases in Carbonaceous Planetesimals and the Role of Initial Volatile ContentOPEN ACCESS
Klaus Paschek, Dmitry A. Semenov, Ben K. D. Pearce, Kevin Lange, Thomas K. Henning, Ralph E. Pudritz Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal PDF (OPEN ACCESS) Update (10 January 2023): The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 942, Number…
Deep-mantle krypton reveals Earth’s early accretion of carbonaceous matter
Sandrine Péron, Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, Mark D. Kurz & David W. Graham Nature, Volume 600, pages 462–467 (2021)Published: 15 December 2021 LINK “Establishing when, and from where, carbon, nitrogen and water were delivered to Earth is…
Machine Learning Mid-Infrared Spectral Models for Predicting Modal Mineralogy of CI/CM Chondritic Asteroids and Bennu
L. B. Breitenfeld, A. D. Rogers, T. D. Glotch, V. E. Hamilton, P. R. Christensen, D. S. Lauretta, M. E. Gemma, K. T. Howard, D. S. Ebel, G. Kim, A. M. Kling, H. Nekvasil, N….
YORP Effect on Asteroid 162173 Ryugu: Implications for the Dynamical History
M. Kanamaru, S. Sasaki, T. Morota, Y. Cho, E. Tatsumi, M. Hirabayashi, N. Hirata, H. Senshu, Y. Shimaki, N. Sakatani, S. Tanaka, T. Okada, T. Usui, S. Sugita, S. Watanabe JGR: PlanetsFirst Published: 11 November…
Anaerobic Microscopic Analysis of Ferrous Saponite and its Sensitivity to Oxidation by Earth’s Air: Lessons Learned for Analysis of Returned Samples from Mars and Carbonaceous AsteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Natsumi Noda, Shohei Yamashita, Yoshio Takahashi, Megumi Matsumoto, Yuma Enokido, Kana Amano, Takahiro Kawai, Hiroshi Sakuma, Keisuke Fukushi, Yasuhito Sekine, Tomoki Nakamura Minerals 2021, 11(11), 1244 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “Ferrous saponite is a secondary…
Fine-regolith production on asteroids controlled by rock porosity
S. Cambioni, M. Delbo, G. Poggiali, C. Avdellidou, A. J. Ryan, J. D. P. Deshapriya, E. Asphaug, R.-L. Ballouz, M. A. Barucci, C. A. Bennett, W. F. Bottke, J. R. Brucato, K. N. Burke, E….
Ryugu’s observed volatile loss did not arise from impact heating aloneOPEN ACCESS
Kosuke Kurosawa, Ryota Moriwaki, Hikaru Yabuta, Ko Ishibashi, Goro Komatsu & Takafumi Matsui Communications Earth & Environment, Volume 2, Article number: 146 (2021) LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbonaceous asteroids, including Ryugu and Bennu, which…
Spectral diversity of the inner belt primitive asteroid background population
Anicia Arredondo, Humberto Campins, Noemi Pinilla-Alonso, Julia de León, Vania Lorenzi, David Morate, Juan Luis Rizos, Mário De Prá IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 9 July 2021 LINK “Highlights • New NIR observations of…
Dark Primitive Asteroids Account for a Large Share of K/Pg-Scale Impacts on the EarthOPEN ACCESS
David Nesvorny, William F. Bottke, Simone Marchi Icarus PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK (Update: 15 July 2021) “Highlights • We develop a dynamical model for large near-Earth asteroids to understand the occurrence rate and nature of…
Rotational states and shapes of Ryugu and Bennu: Implications for interior structure and strength
J.H. Roberts, O.S. Barnouin, M.G. Daly, K.J. Walsh, M.C. Nolan, R.T. Daly, P. Michel, Y. Zhang, M.E. Perry, G.A. Neumann, J.A. Seabrook, R.W. Gaskell, E.E. Palmer, J.R. Weirich, S. Watanabe, N. Hirata, Na. Hirata, S….
Origins of colors variability among C-cluster main-belt asteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Pierre Beck, Olivier Poch IcarusAvailable online: 21 April 2021 LINK Update (6 May 2021): PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • A C-type cluster is identified by an SDSS colors & albedo cluster analysis.• The C-cluster matches…
Characterizing the spectral, microstructural, and chemical effects of solar wind irradiation on the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite through coordinated analyses
D.L. Laczniak, M.S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, S.J. Clemett, R.V. Morris, L.P. Keller IcarusIn Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 17 April 2021 LINK “Highlights • Solar wind irradiation of carbon-rich asteroids simulated using 1 keV/amu…
Evidence for differentiation of the most primitive small bodiesOPEN ACCESS
B. Carry, P. Vernazza, F. Vachier, M. Neveu, J. Berthier J. Hanus, M. Ferrais, L. Jorda, M. Marsset, M. Viikinkoski, P. Bartczak, R. Behrend, Z. Benkhaldoun, M. Birlan, J. Castillo-Rogez, F. Cipriani, F. Colas, A….
Organic matter and water from asteroid ItokawaOPEN ACCESS
Q. H. S. Chan, A. Stephant, I. A. Franchi, X. Zhao, R. Brunetto, Y. Kebukawa, T. Noguchi, D. Johnson, M. C. Price, K. H. Harriss, M. E. Zolensky & M. M. Grady Scientific Reports 11…
Short Cosmic-Ray Exposure Ages of CI and CM Chondrites May Reflect Disintegration of Volatile-Rich Asteroids at Perihelion
E. R. D. Scott, Herzog G. F. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #1833 PDF “Dark, volatile-rich asteroids seem to disintegrate near the Sun. This may explain why CM and CI chondrites have…
Understanding Space Weathering of Carbonaceous Asteroids Through H+ and He+ Ion Irradiation of the Murchison Meteorite
D. L. Laczniak, Thompson M. S., Christoffersen R., Dukes C. A., Clemett S. al. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2021), Abstract #2361 PDF “Solar wind in the asteroid belt / Helium, hydrogen ions,…
Synthesis of Organic Matter in Aqueous Environments Simulating Small Bodies in the Solar System and the Effects of Minerals on Amino Acid FormationOPEN ACCESS
Walaa Elmasry, Yoko Kebukawa, and Kensei Kobayashi Life 2021, 11(1), 32 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (DOWNLOAD) “The extraterrestrial delivery of organics to primitive Earth has been supported by many laboratory and space experiments. Minerals played an…
Meteoritic evidence for a Ceres-sized water-rich carbonaceous chondrite parent asteroid
V. E. Hamilton, C. A. Goodrich, A. H. Treiman, H. C. Connolly Jr, M. E. Zolensky & M. H. Shaddad Nature Astronomy (2020)Published: 21 December 2020 LINK “Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites record the earliest stages of…
Fumarolic-like activity on carbonaceous chondrite parent bodyOPEN ACCESS
Clément Ganino, Guy Libourel Science Advances, 03 Jul 2020 : eabb1166 LINK (OPEN ACCESS)PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Comparative planetology studies are key for understanding the main processes driving planetary formation and evolution. None have been yet…
Sample collection from asteroid (162173) Ryugu by Hayabusa2: Implications for surface evolution
T. Morota, S. Sugita, Y. Cho, M. Kanamaru, E. Tatsumi, N. Sakatani, R. Honda, N. Hirata, H. Kikuchi, M. Yamada, Y. Yokota, S. Kameda, M. Matsuoka, H. Sawada, C. Honda, T. Kouyama, K. Ogawa, H….
Alkali magmatism on a carbonaceous chondrite planetesimal
Jérôme Aléon, Alice Aléon-Toppani, Bernard Platevoet, Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff, Kevin D. McKeegan, and François Brisset PNAS, first published March 30, 2020 LINK “Recent isotopic and paleomagnetic data point to a possible connection between carbonaceous chondrites and…
The violent collisional history of aqueously evolved (2) Pallas
Michaël Marsset, Miroslav Brož, Pierre Vernazza, Alexis Drouard, Julie Castillo-Rogez, Josef Hanuš, Matti Viikinkoski, Nicolas Rambaux, Benoît Carry, Laurent Jorda, Pavel Ševeček, Mirel Birlan, Franck Marchis, Edyta Podlewska-Gaca, Erik Asphaug, Przemyslaw Bartczak, Jérôme Berthier, Fabrice…
The geomorphology, color, and thermal properties of Ryugu: Implications for parent-body processes
S. Sugita, R. Honda, T. Morota, S. Kameda, H. Sawada, E. Tatsumi, M. Yamada, C. Honda, Y. Yokota, T. Kouyama, N. Sakatani, K. Ogawa, H. Suzuki, T. Okada, N. Namiki, S. Tanaka, Y. Iijima, K….
The surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy
K. Kitazato, R. E. Milliken, T. Iwata, M. Abe, M. Ohtake, S. Matsuura, T. Arai, Y. Nakauchi, T. Nakamura, M. Matsuoka, H. Senshu8 N. Hirata, T. Hiroi, C. Pilorget, R. Brunetto, F. Poulet, L. Riu,…
Evidence for widespread hydrated minerals on asteroid (101955) Bennu
V. E. Hamilton, A. A. Simon, P. R. Christensen, D. C. Reuter, B. E. Clark, M. A. Barucci, N. E. Bowles, W. V. Boynton, J. R. Brucato, E. A. Cloutis, H. C. Connolly Jr, K….
Spectral and chemical effects of simulated space weathering of the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondriteOPEN ACCESS
M.S. Thompson, M.J. Loeffler, R.V. Morris, L.P. Keller, R. Christoffersen Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 18 September 2018 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) LINK (OPEN ACCESS) “Highlights • Space weathering of a carbonaceous chondrite simulated…
Spectral and chemical effects of simulated space weathering of the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite
M.S. Thompson, M.J. Loeffler, R.V. Morris, L.P. Keller, R. Christoffersen Icarus In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 18 September 2018 LINK “Highlights • Space weathering of a carbonaceous chondrite simulated via pulsed laser irradiation •…
A dual origin for water in carbonaceous asteroids revealed by CM chondritesOPEN ACCESS
Laurette Piani, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Laurent Remusat Submitted manuscript for publication in Nature Astronomy – Version February, 2 2018 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbonaceous asteroids represent the principal source of water in the inner Solar System and…
Spectral reflectance “deconstruction” of the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite and implications for spectroscopic investigations of dark asteroids
Edward A. Cloutis, Valerie B. Pietrasz, Cain Kiddell, Matthew R.M. Izawa, Pierre Vernazza, Thomas H. Burbine, Francesca DeMeo, Kimberly T. Tait, James F. Bell III, Paul Mann, Daniel M. Applin, Vishnu Reddy Icarus, Volume 305,…
Extending the Mudball Model to Other Chondrite Groups
P. A. Bland, B. J. Travis 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2018), Abstract #2911 abstract
Origin and abundance of water in carbonaceous asteroids
Yves Marrocchi, David V. Bekaert, Laurette Piani Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 482, 15 January 2018, Pages 23-32 LINK Highlights • Bulk, matrix and fayalite grains of CV chondrites define a continuous trend. •…
Giant convecting mud balls of the early solar systemOPEN ACCESS
Philip A. Bland, Bryan J. Travis Science Advances 14 Jul 2017: Vol. 3, no. 7, e1602514 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602514 LINK (OPEN ACCESS) PDF (OPEN ACCESS) “Carbonaceous asteroids may have been the precursors to the terrestrial planets,…
Modeling orbital gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments at carbonaceous asteroids
Lucy F. Lim, Richard D. Starr, Larry G. Evans, Ann M. Parsons, Michael E. Zolensky and William V. Boynton Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.12786 Version of Record online: 6 NOV 2016 LINK “To evaluate…
Modeling Orbital Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Experiments at Carbonaceous AsteroidsOPEN ACCESS
Lucy F. Lim, Richard D. Starr, Larry G. Evans, Ann M. Parsons, Michael E. Zolensky, William V. Boynton Accepted to Meteoritics and Planetary Science, September 2016 PDF (OPEN ACCESS) abstract “To evaluate the feasibility of…